[PDF][PDF] The Challenges and Opportunities in the Implementation of E-Learning for Competence Development of State Civil Apparatus

A Suryanto, M Firdaus, A Aswi… - Information Sciences …, 2023 - digitalcommons.aaru.edu.jo
Despite its common utilization in developed countries, e-Learning is relatively new in
intensive ASN training in Indonesia. The utilization of e-Learning has increased sharply due …

Assessing Greek pre-service primary teachers' scientific literacy

G Stylos, O Siarka, KT Kotsis - European Journal of Science and …, 2023 - scimath.net
In a modern yet demanding society, scientific literacy (SL) is an essential skill that enables
the individual to explain, understand and discuss issues related to science, health, and the …

Strategies for primary school students understanding of character education through the active role of teachers

L Tuhuteru, EYR Pratiwi, T Suryowidiyanti… - Journal on …, 2023 - jonedu.org
Character education plays a vital role in the development of children's mature personalities.
The lack of adequate character education strengthening in schools is an issue that requires …

Application of STEM-Integrated Guided Inquiry Model to Improve Science Process Skills of Junior High School Learners on Human Respiratory System Material

AK Lestari, A Fitriani - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023 - jppipa.unram.ac.id
This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the improvement of science process skills
of students whose learning process uses a STEM-integrated guided inquiry learning model …

Efforts to Improve Scientific Literacy Capabilities in Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review

M Mujakir, N Nurmalahayati, S Safrijal… - Online Learning In …, 2024 - journal.foundae.com
Science literacy is an essential skill needed by students to face the challenges of
globalization and technological development. However, the level of science literacy in …

Metaanalisis efek pendekatan STEM pada literasi sains dan pemahaman konsep peserta didik di setiap satuan pendidikan

RM Putri, A Asrizal, U Usmeldi - JIPI (Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran …, 2022 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
The competience of 21 st century emphasizes to the skills, attitudes and knowledge. literacy
skills and mastery of concepts are needed in facing the challenges of the 21st century …

Research Trend of Inquiry Learning in Elementary School in the Last 10 Years: To Determine the Opportunities in the Future

R Setiani - Studies in Learning and Teaching, 2023 - scie-journal.com
Abstract Inquiry Learning in Elementary School research has evolved in the last ten years,
making it an interesting topic to research to understand the trends and developments of …

Scientific Literacy Profile of Prospective Science Teacher Students

P Sarini, W Widodo, S Sutoyo… - … Journal of Recent …, 2024 - journal.ia-education.com
Objective: This research aims to describe and analyze the scientific literacy achievements of
prospective science teacher students. Scientific literacy is one of the skills that prospective …

The Effect of STEM Integrated Inquiry Models in Improving Student Science Learning Outcomes (A Meta-Analysis)

M Dhanil, F Mufit, A Asrizal… - JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu …, 2024 - journal.stkipsingkawang.ac.id
Abstract 21st-century learning emphasizes the mastery of knowledge as a whole through the
investigation of several points of view of knowledge, one of which is inquiry and STEM …

Application of A Guided Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Students' Scientific Literacy Skills

A Faizin, E Susantini, R Raharjo - … : International Journal of …, 2024 - journal.ia-education.com
Objective: This study aims to determine the guided inquiry learning model's effectiveness in
improving students' scientific literacy skills. Method: This is an experimental research with a …