[PDF][PDF] Plankton distribution and diversity in tropical earthen fish ponds

GU Ikpi, BO Offem, IB Okey - Environment and Natural …, 2013 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Our knowledge of the consumption of plankton by fish is still fragmentary. Trophic links
between fish and plankton are often loose because plankton is a changing assemblage of …

Dynamics of the limnological features and diversity of zooplankton populations of the Cross River System SE Nigeria

BO Offem, YA Samsons, IT Omoniyi… - … and Management of …, 2009 - kmae-journal.org
Physico-chemical factors and zooplankton diversity were investigated over a two year period
in three regions along the 200 km length of Cross River. The objective of the study was to …

[PDF][PDF] Zooplankton diversity of tons river of Utarakhand state India

RK Negi, S Mamgain - Internat J Zool Res, 2013 - researchgate.net
In the present study samples were collected from the three different locations of Tons river of
Uttarkhand State from December, 2007 to November, 2009 on the monthly basis for the …

Seasonal Variation, Diversity, and Composition of Planktons in the Ganga River

S Kumar, A Saxena, RN Ram… - UTTAR PRADESH …, 2024 - archive.paparesearch.co.in
Plankton are important components of aquatic ecosystems because they contribute to
primary production, which sustains fisheries and other ecosystem functions. The study was …

[PDF][PDF] Diversity and Abundance of Zooplankton at Saheb Bandh, Purulia, West Bengal

D Chattopadhyay, S Panda - Int. J. Sci. Res. in Biological …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Accepted: 20/Oct/2021, Online: 31/Oct/2021 Abstract—The Saheb Bandh is an artificial lake
located in the District Purulia. In this present study, we have shown monthly changes in …

[PDF][PDF] Studies on the Diversity of Plankton in the Wetlands of Nameri National Park and its Adjacent Area, Assam, India

S Mili, PK Saikia - academia.edu
The present investigation deals with the study on the diversity of phytoplankton and
zooplankton community structure in twelve selected sampling sites of the wetlands of …

[图书][B] Pollution Status of Coastal Environment of Gulf of Khambhat, India

JI Nirmal Kumar, PR Sajish, RN Kumar, HB Soni - books.google.com
The aquatic ecosystem is a major subdivision of the biosphere, and covers almost 71% of
the earth's surface area. Coastal ecosystems mainly include estuaries, deltas, lagoons …

[PDF][PDF] Assessment of physico-chemical characteristics and phytoplankton community in selected aquaculture ponds in Karnataka

C Kishor, AT Ramachandra Naik, M Shivakumar… - 2019 - academia.edu
The site characteristics include present land use, vegetation and land topography of the fish
ponds were investigated based on visual field observation. Physico-chemical and biological …

Composition and diversity of phytoplankton community of a fish pond in the Central Himalayan region of Uttarakhand, India.

PS Pranav Singh, NS Navneet Swami… - 2019 - cabidigitallibrary.org
Phytoplankton community of a fish pond in Central Himalayan region of Uttarakhand was
studied January to April 2016. Samples were collected in 15 days interval. The quantiative …


AS Naik, JS Chandra, T Sambasivarao, M Verma - 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021