[PDF][PDF] Responding to a changing climate: Exploring how disaster risk reduction, social protection and livelihoods approaches promote features of adaptive capacity

L Jones, S Jaspars, S Pavanello, E Ludi, R Slater… - 2010 - preventionweb.net
The inevitability of changes occurring to the climate at both global and local scales is now a
wellestablished reality. Confidence is currently higher than in previous assessments with …

Evaluating the resilience of forest dependent communities in Central India by combining the sustainable livelihoods framework and the cross scale resilience analysis

A Saxena, B Guneralp, R Bailis, G Yohe, C Oliver - Current Science, 2016 - JSTOR
Resilience has moved from being a peripheral ecological concept to a central goal, in the
development discourse. While the concept has become popular, operationalizing resilience …

[PDF][PDF] Comparison of adaptive capacity and adaptation practices in response to climate change and extremes among the Chepang households in rural mid-hills of …

P Luni, KL Maharjan, NP Joshi - 国際協力研究誌, 2012 - academia.edu
Study of the community level adaptive capacity and adaptation practices is important to
capture the ongoing processes, constraints and opportunities at the local level where …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of poverty alleviation strategies implemented by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Zimbabwe: A case of Binga Rural District

D Nyathi - 2012 - core.ac.uk
Poverty alleviation, and its eventual elimination, is a central objective of development. In
pursuit of solutions to developmental problems besetting the African continent, the donor …

Pendekatan Sustainable Livelihood Framework dalam rangka membongkar dominasi tengkulak melalui kegiatan keagamaan: study kasus pada pendampingan …

S Wigati, AR Fitrianto - Jurnal Dakwah: Media Komunikasi …, 2013 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
Kondisi masyarakat yang terpasung oleh kondisi geografis dan kebijakan pemerintah dalam
penyediaan infrastruktur transportasi menyebabkan distribusi produksi pertanian terhambat …

[PDF][PDF] Non-governmental organisations and rural poverty reduction strategies in Zimbabwe: A case of Binga Rural District

S Mago, D Nyathi, C Hofisi - Journal of Governance and …, 2015 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies implemented by
Nongovernmental organisation (NGOs) for poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe with specific …

Sustainable Livelihood Approach Addressing Community's Economic Distress Facing the Covid 19 Outbreak: A Methodological Concept

AR Fitrianto - International Conference on Business and …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
Man-made or natural disaster, both create community economic distress; it makes the
degree of accessing regular source of community income more difficult to be reached. Within …

Shrimp farmers' innovation in coping with the disaster (A case study in Sidoarjo mud volcano disaster toward shrimp farmers' responses)

AR Fitrianto - Procedia Economics and Finance, 2012 - Elsevier
Creativity, innovation in knowledge economic era is urgent, especially in order to enhance
the productivity and economic growth. However, for some reason productivity and economic …

A Rural Community's Livelihood Dynamic in the maintenance of a Mangrove Area as a Tourist Destination

AR Fitrianto, A Samsuri - ASEAN Journal of Community …, 2021 - scholarhub.ui.ac.id
This study identifies the problems faced by the residents of Banyuurip village and their
adaptation efforts in preserving their mangrove areas. This paper aims to portray the …

The Socio-Economic Impacts of the Porong Mud Volcano on the Shrimp Fisheries Sector in Sidoarjo District, East Java Province, Indonesia

AR Fitrianto - 2019 - espace.curtin.edu.au
This thesis analyses the socioeconomic impact of the Sidoarjo mud volcano on shrimp
fisheries' production. It adapts the sustainable livelihoods framework in order to investigate …