A survey on information hiding using video steganography

M Dalal, M Juneja - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2021 - Springer
In the last few decades, information security has gained huge importance owing to the
massive growth in digital communication; hence, driving steganography to the forefront for …

Speech enhancement parameter adjustment to maximize accuracy of automatic speech recognition

T Kawase, M Okamoto, T Fukutomi… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Consumer electronics equipped with a microphone array, such as car navigation devices
and headsets commonly implement speech enhancement techniques based on the gradient …

A multi-class classification MCLP model with particle swarm optimization for network intrusion detection

AM Viswa Bharathy, A Mahabub Basha - Sādhanā, 2017 - Springer
The critical data we share through computer network gets stolen by unethical means. This
unethical way of accessing one's data without proper authentication becomes intrusion. To …

[PDF][PDF] A Novel Integrated Framework to Ensure Better Data Quality in Big Data Analytics over Cloud Environment.

CS Sindhu, NP Hegde - … of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088 …, 2017 - academia.edu
With advent of Big Data Analytics, the healthcare system is increasingly adopting the
analytical services that is ultimately found to generate massive load of highly unstructured …

A novel Jaya-BAT algorithm based power consumption minimization in cognitive radio network

A Kaur, S Sharma, A Mishra - Wireless Personal Communications, 2019 - Springer
The aim of this paper is to propose a new hybrid optimization technique, namely Jaya-BAT
algorithm (JBA) and to demonstrate its application for constrained power consumption …

[PDF][PDF] Multi-level Hyper-Heuristic for Combinatorial Optimization Problems.

A Kafafy, A Awaad, N El-Hefnawy, OA Raouf - International Journal of …, 2022 - inass.org
Hyper-heuristics are considered as one of the most popular search methods which can
solve NP-hard problems. They aim to achieve level of generality of search techniques for …

Self-adjustable speech enhancement and recognition system

T Kawase, M Okamoto, T Fukutomi… - 2019 IEEE …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We have developed a self-adjustable speech enhancement and recognition (SSER) system
to make automatic speech recognition (ASR) robust to variation of acoustic conditions. The …

Seeding programming

V Mochalov - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on …, 2019 - Springer
The work is aimed at formalizing the implementation of the steps of the new method
“seeding programming” focused on solving some optimization problems. Michelangelo told …

Некоторые вопросы функционирования и построения сенсорных вопросно-ответных систем

ВА Мочалов, АВ Мочалова - International Journal of Open …, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
В работе рассматриваются вопросы функционирования и построения сенсорных
вопросно-ответных систем (СВОС), позволяющих с помощью вопросно-ответных …

Utilizarea calculului biologic pentru modelarea și sinteza sistemelor de luare a deciziilor

S MUNTEANU - 2024 - repository.utm.md
Calculul biologic, care face parte din calculul inspirat de natură (numit și calcul molecular
sau calcul celular), reprezintă un domeniu de cercetare interdisciplinar situat la intersecția …