The role of career adaptability, the tendency to consider systemic challenges to attain a sustainable development, and hope to improve investments in higher …

I Di Maggio, MC Ginevra, S Santilli, L Nota… - Frontiers in …, 2020 -
Based on the life design paradigm and career construction adaptation model and on recent
directions from the perspective of sustainable and inclusive career guidance, the study …

[HTML][HTML] Family acculturation in host and immigrant couples: Dyadic research in an Italian context

N Rania, L Migliorini, S Rebora - Europe's journal of psychology, 2018 -
The purpose of this research is to study acculturation strategies and attitudes in central and
peripheral domains of host and immigrant couples in an Italian context. The participants …

Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Pro-Pensity to Cosmopolitanism in Adolescence

I Di Maggio, S Santilli, MC Ginevra, L Nota - Sustainability, 2021 -
The study was designed to provide the initial validation of the instrument “How cosmopolitan
do I think I am?” to assess the propensity to cosmopolitanism in adolescents interested in …

[PDF][PDF] Investigating processes of internalisation of values through theatre for development

T Courtney, J Battye - Journal of Social and Political …, 2018 -
Used in many communities, Theatre for Development (TfD) allows performers and
audiences to interrogate their cultural history and their society to promote positive social …

Costruire il successo delle destinazioni turistiche: destination management e strategie di sviluppo del territorio

C Tripodi - 2014 -
I processi di consumo del prodotto turistico sono profondamente cambiati nel corso degli
anni, conferendo alla destinazione un ruolo sempre più centrale e decisivo tanto nel …

How Does the Error from Sampling to Big Data Change?

C Corposanto, B Molinari - Italian Sociological Review, 2022 -
In this article the authors aim to present a series of considerations, regarding the research
carried out in the last 8 years, which starting from Big Data have posed different …

[PDF][PDF] Differenze nella scelta delle strategie di coping in preadolescenti esposti e non esposti al sisma dell'Aquila del 6 aprile 2009

L Piccardi, A Marano, MA Geraci, E Legge… - Epidemiol …, 2016 -
OBIEttIVI: indagare la presenza di un profilo caratteristico di strategie di coping in un ampio
gruppo di preadolescenti in seguito all'esposizione a un evento traumatico (sisma del 6 …

[PDF][PDF] Joint custody and shared parenting: Analysis of practices in the Civil Court of Rome

AL Lavadera, L Caravelli, MM Togliatti - Interdisciplinary Journal of …, 2011 -
According to the demographist Volpi (2007), the Italian family is undergoing a profound
crisis, and it's statistically approaching what seems to be an announced end. Among the …

[图书][B] Prevenzione e sicurezza stradale. Marketing sociale e linee di intervento

N De Carlo, S Di Nuovo - 2000 -
Page 1 A cura di Nicola Alberto De Carlo Santo Di Nuovo PREVENZIONE & SICUREZZA
STRADALE Marketing sociale e linee d'intervento Contributi di Elisabetta Alberti Casellati …

Animali politici. Il movimento animalista in Italia ei suoi campi d'azione strategica

N Bertuzzi - 2017 -
The dissertation consists in nine chapters, schematically divided into three parts. The first
one is devoted to theoretical considerations on the added value of the research, its social …