[HTML][HTML] Faltas en el aprendizaje del modelado de clases y casos de uso: una revisión sistemática

JP Ucán-Pech, RA Aguilar-Vera, JC Díaz-Mendoza… - Revista …, 2023 - scielo.org.co
En este artículo se presenta una revisión de los estudios primarios que abordan la
identificación de faltas durante el aprendizaje de los diagramas de casos de uso (DCU) y de …

A method for semi-automated generation of test scenarios based on use cases

R Lipka, T Potuák, P Brada… - 2015 41st Euromicro …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Use cases are a widely accepted way to define application functionality. They can therefore
form a solid basis for testing the correct functionality and quality of service of a developed …

A stability-oriented approach to improving bgp convergence

H Zhang, A Arora, Z Liu - Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper shows that the elimination of fault-agnostic instability, the instability caused by
fault-agnostic distributed control, substantially improves BGP convergence speed. To this …

Formal verification of annotated textual use-cases

V Simko, D Hauzar, P Hnetynka, T Bures… - The Computer …, 2015 - academic.oup.com
Textual use-cases have been traditionally used in the initial stages of the software
development process to describe software functionality from the user's perspective. Their …

[PDF][PDF] Formalization of a Use Case Model to Kripke Structure and LTL Formulas

Q uz Zaman - 2022 - cust.edu.pk
Software reliability can be ensured by using software verification techniques including
model checking. A model checker takes a software model along with formal specifications …

[PDF][PDF] Possibilities of Semi-automated Generation of Scenarios for Simulation Testing of Software Components

T Potuzak, R Lipka - … Journal of Information and Computer Science, 2013 - academia.edu
Component-based software development where the applications are constructed from
reusable software components (possibly from different manufacturers) becomes an …

From textual specification to formal verification

V Šimko - 2013 - dspace.cuni.cz
Textual use-cases have been traditionally used at the design stage of the software
development process to describe software functionality from the user's perspective. Because …