Digital Humanities' Shakespeare Problem

L Estill - Humanities, 2019 -
Digital humanities has a Shakespeare problem; or, to frame it more broadly, a canon
problem. This essay begins by demonstrating why we need to consider Shakespeare's …

[图书][B] Swedish Women's Writing on Export. Tracing Transnational Reception in the Nineteenth Century

Y Leffler, Å Arping, J Bergenmar, G Hermansson… - 2019 -
While 19th century Sweden may have remained peripheral to world events, Swedish
literature was remarkably successful–even decades before the Scandinavian Modern …

[图书][B] Invoking Flora Nwapa: Nigerian women writers, femininity and spirituality in world literature

P Uimonen - 2020 -
" By invoking Flora Nwapa, this monograph draws attention to Nigerian women writers in
world literature, with an emphasis on femininity and spirituality. Flora Nwapa's Efuru (1966) …

[PDF][PDF] Digitaaliset ihmistieteet kirjallisuudentutkimuksessa

V Capkova - AVAIN-Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti, 2021 -
D igitaalisuudesta puhutaan kaikkialla, nykyään myös kirjallisuudentutkijoiden
keskuudessa, kuten käy ilmi Hanna-Riikka Roineen ja Laura Piipon toimittamasta …

[PDF][PDF] A Convergence of Methodologies: Notes on Data-Intensive Humanities Research.

N Tahmasebi, N Hagen, D Brodén, M Malm - DHN, 2019 -
In this paper, we discuss a data-intensive research methodology for the digital humanities.
We highlight the differences and commonalities between quantitative and qualitative …

[PDF][PDF] Opportunities and risks in digital humanities research

M Hall - 2020 -
The term Digital Humanities (DH) has established itself as one of the main umbrella terms
under which humanities research that incorporates digital aspects is organised. The various …

Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus romaanien ylirajaisuudesta 1970-2020: Kirjasammon metadata indeksinä Suomessa julkaistujen romaanien monimuotoisuuteen

T Peura - AVAIN-Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti, 2024 -
K aunokirjallisuus on aina liikkunut valtiollisten, kielellisten ja kulttuuristen rajojen yli ja
kuljettanut kirjallisia vaikutteita ympäri maailmaa. Viime vuosikymmeninä kiihtynyt …

[图书][B] Mapping German fiction in translation in the German National Library catalogue (1980-2020)

LM Teichmann - 2022 -
This thesis project is dedicated to making translations visible and disentangling the roles of
the author, place of publication, and language in carving the paths that German fiction …

[PDF][PDF] One World Literature with Chinua Achebe and Flora Nwapa

P Uimonen - Claiming Space, 2021 - bloomsbury-manage.s3.amazonaws …
30 Claiming Space relationality of which can offer interesting insights into the cultural
dynamics of cosmopolitan and vernacular (dis) locations and (dis) orientations. 5 In this …

8. Reflections on Gender and Small Languages in World Literature Scholarship: Methods of Inclusions and Exclusions.

K Leppänen - Stockholm English Studies, 2018 -
The article offers author's contribution with Reflections on gender and small languages in
world literature scholarship; methods of inclusions and exclusions. Topics discussed include …