Evolutionary game theory: A renaissance

J Newton - Games, 2018 - mdpi.com
Economic agents are not always rational or farsighted and can make decisions according to
simple behavioral rules that vary according to situation and can be studied using the tools of …

Nonparametric approaches to auctions

S Athey, PA Haile - Handbook of econometrics, 2007 - Elsevier
This chapter discusses structural econometric approaches to auctions. Remarkably, much of
what can be learned from auction data can be learned without restrictions beyond those …

[图书][B] Институты и путь к современной экономике. Уроки средневековой торговли

А Грейф - 2022 - books.google.com
Принято считать, что существующие различия в экономике, политике и обществе
отражают влияние различных институтов. Но среди экономистов, политологов и …

[引用][C] Institutions and the path to the modern economy: lessons from medieval trade

A Greif - 2006 - books.google.com
It is widely believed that current disparities in economic, political, and social outcomes reflect
distinct institutions. Institutions are invoked to explain why some countries are rich and …

Psychology and economics

M Rabin - Journal of economic literature, 1998 - JSTOR
BECAUSE PSYCHOLOGY systemati-cally explores human judgment, behavior, and well-
being, it can teach us important facts about how humans differ from the way tlhey are …

Drifts and volatilities: monetary policies and outcomes in the post WWII US

T Cogley, TJ Sargent - Review of Economic dynamics, 2005 - Elsevier
For a VAR with drifting coefficients and stochastic volatilities, we present posterior densities
for several objects that are pertinent for designing and evaluating monetary policy. These …

[图书][B] Robustness

LP Hansen, TJ Sargent - 2008 - degruyter.com
The standard theory of decision making under uncertainty advises the decision maker to
form a statistical model linking outcomes to decisions and then to choose the optimal …

[PDF][PDF] R-max-a general polynomial time algorithm for near-optimal reinforcement learning

RI Brafman, M Tennenholtz - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2002 - jmlr.org
R-max is a very simple model-based reinforcement learning algorithm which can attain near-
optimal average reward in polynomial time. In R-max, the agent always maintains a …

Learning in extensive-form games: Experimental data and simple dynamic models in the intermediate term

AE Roth, I Erev - Games and economic behavior, 1995 - Elsevier
We use simple learning models to track the behavior observed in experiments concerning
three extensive form games with similar perfect equilibria. In only two of the games does …

Learning through noticing: Theory and evidence from a field experiment

R Hanna, S Mullainathan… - The Quarterly Journal of …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
We consider a model of technological learning under which people “learn through noticing”:
they choose which input dimensions to attend to and subsequently learn about from …