A survey of word embeddings evaluation methods

A Bakarov - arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09536, 2018 - arxiv.org
Word embeddings are real-valued word representations able to capture lexical semantics
and trained on natural language corpora. Models proposing these representations have …

[PDF][PDF] Natural language processing methods for language modeling

DM Nemeskey - 2020 - hlt.bme.hu
The field of natural language processing (NLP) is contemporaneous with computers.
Machine translation systems were developed as early as the 1950s, and the widespread …

A proof-of-concept meaning discrimination experiment to compile a word-in-context dataset for adjectives–A graph-based distributional approach

E Héja, N Ligeti-Nagy - Acta Linguistica Academica, 2022 - akjournals.com
Abstract The Word-in-Context corpus, which forms part of the SuperGLUE benchmark
dataset, focuses on a specific sense disambiguation task: it has to be decided whether two …

Emergency vocabulary

DM Nemeskey, A Kornai - Information Systems Frontiers, 2018 - Springer
For disaster preparedness, a key aspect of the work is the identification, ahead of time, of the
vocabulary of emergency messages. Here we describe how static repositories of traditional …


M Törkenczy - 2023 - hlt.bme.hu
How do the relations used in semantic networks appear in (static) word embeddings? This
dissertation is organized around this question. In other words, how can the cognitive …

[PDF][PDF] Do multi-sense word embeddings learn more senses?

M Makrai - 2017 - real.mtak.hu
We analyze whether different sense vectors of the same word form in multi-sense word
embeddings correspond to different concepts. On the more technical side of embedding …

[PDF][PDF] Az EFNILEX és egy fiatal kutató. Hat év magyar szóbeágyazásokkal

M Makrai - 2021 - real.mtak.hu
Az EFNILEX projekt azt szándékozott felderíteni, hogy a gépi fordítás eszközei hogyan
járulnak hozzá szótárak előállításához „közepes” európai nyelveken, vagyis az EU …

[PDF][PDF] Dávid Márk Nemeskey Natural Language Processing Methods for Language Modeling

CV Erzsébet, Z Horváth, A Benczúr, A Kornai - hlt.bme.hu
The field of natural language processing (NLP) is contemporaneous with computers.
Machine translation systems were developed as early as the 1950s, and the widespread …

[PDF][PDF] Do multi-sense embeddings learn more senses? An evaluation in linear translation

M Makrai, V Lipp - hlt.bme.hu
We analyze whether different sense vectors of the same word form in multi-sense word
embeddings correspond to different concepts. On the more technical side of embedding …

[PDF][PDF] Hibrid nyelvtechnológiák

Á Judit, B Gábor, M Márton, N Dávid, R Gábor… - 2017 - hlt.bme.hu
Az elmúlt harminc év nyelvészetét a „racionalista”(szabály-alapú, szimbólumkezelő) és az
„empirista”(statisztikai alapú, gépi tanulásos) nyelvészeti modellek harca jellemezte. Míg a …