Assessing the hardness of quenched medium steel using an ultrasonic nondestructive method

SY Hsia, YT Chou - Advances in materials Science and …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Developing new materials or improving their heat treatment techniques is key to industrial
upgrades for increasing fastener product quality. Nowadays, high tensile strength bolts are …

Relationship between ultrasonic characteristics and mechanical properties of tempered martensitic stainless steel

CH Hsu, HY Teng, YJ Chen - Journal of materials engineering and …, 2004 - Springer
This research studied the relationship between the ultrasonic characteristics and the
mechanical properties of tempered CA-15 martensitic stainless steel (MSS). The results …

Ultrasound interferometry for the evaluation of thickness and adhesion of thin layers

JB Santos, MJ Santos - International Journal of Materials …, 2011 -
A simulation work has been carried out to characterise thin layers by a technique called
ultrasound interferometry, which is based on the resonance and anti-resonance of …

A method for the verification of wire crimp compression using ultrasonic inspection

KE Cramer, DF Perey, WT Yost - Research in Nondestructive …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The development of a new ultrasonic measurement technique to assess wire crimp
terminations is discussed. The amplitude change of a compressional ultrasonic wave …

Повышение достоверности неразрушающего контроля литых деталей подвижного состава

АЛ Бобров - 2000 -
Практическая ценность работы. Разработана АЭ методика для контроля литых
крупногабаритных деталей подвижного состава сложной формы. Оценены …


溫東成 - 中華技術學院學報, 2004 -
本研究針對麻田散鐵不銹鋼施以淬火與二次回火的調質處理後, 利用超音波評估技術探討材料的
音速與衰減變化和材料機械性質變化的相關性. 研究結果顯示, 調質材料的超音波音速變化和 …

Detectability of Holes in SiC Particulate-Reinforced Al–Si Alloy Composite by Means of Ultrasonic Measurement

H Kato, S Otsuka, H Kurita - Materials Transactions, 2012 -
Recently, ceramic particulate-reinforced aluminum alloy composites have been developed,
and are used in machine components. Since machines are subjected to static and …

[PDF][PDF] Porozitás kialakulásának vizsgálata és roncsolásmentes detektálásának lehetőségei nyomásos alumíiíniumöntvényekben

S Zsolt, D László -
Napjainkban főként a repülőgép-és az autóiparban a nyomásos alumíniumöntvények széles
körű alkalmazásának lehetünk tanúi. A jelenleg gyártott formázott öntvények csaknem 9096 …

[引用][C] 高铬铸铁组织与超声声速关系的测定

邬亚华, 唐佳, 王伏喜, 邬冠华, 朱凯 - 无损检测, 2011

[引用][C] 船用TA2 钛合金晶粒尺寸的超声声速评定

卢超, 邬冠华, 王伏喜, 张维, 宋凯 - 舰船科学技术, 2005