Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, Dan Keputusan Investasi Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Struktur Modal Sebagai Variabel Moderating
AB Arsyada, S Sukirman… - Owner: Riset Dan …, 2022 -
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of company size, profitability, and
investment decisions on the value of the company by presenting the capital structure as a …
investment decisions on the value of the company by presenting the capital structure as a …
Nilai Perusahaan, Manajemen Risiko, Tata Kelola Perusahaan: Peran Moderasi Ukuran Perusahaan
R Ticoalu, J Januardi… - Studi Akuntansi …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pengungkapan manajemen risiko dan tata
kelola perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memasukkan …
kelola perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memasukkan …
Market Capitalization dan Profitabilitas Perusahaan dengan FAR, AGE, EPS, dan PBV sebagai Variabel Kontrol
RD Aghnitama, AR Aufa, H Hersugondo - Jurnal Akuntansi Dan …, 2021 -
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh ukuran perusahaan terhadap
profitabilitas melalui metode kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan yakni perusahaan yang …
profitabilitas melalui metode kuantitatif. Populasi yang digunakan yakni perusahaan yang …
Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Nilai Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur
DK Indrastuti - E-Jurnal Akuntansi TSM, 2021 -
Firm value is important for the company because it has an impact on the interest of investors
to invest in the company. The company hopes to increase the value of the company in order …
to invest in the company. The company hopes to increase the value of the company in order …
Pengaruh Leverage dan Likuiditas terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Pemoderasi Umur Perusahaan
R Nopianti, MF Komarudin… - Owner: Riset dan Jurnal …, 2023 -
This study aims to explore how leverage and liquidity affect the value of companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2022. Firm age is also considered a moderating …
the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2022. Firm age is also considered a moderating …
Improving the prediction of firm performance using nonfinancial disclosures: a machine learning approach
Purpose The purpose of this study is to test whether the prediction of firm performance can
be enhanced by incorporating nonfinancial disclosures, such as narrative disclosure tone …
be enhanced by incorporating nonfinancial disclosures, such as narrative disclosure tone …
[PDF][PDF] Intellectual Capital Toward Market Performance: Profitability as a Mediating and Maqashid Sharia as a Moderating Variable
Research aims: This study aims to determine the effect of intellectual capital on market
performance with profitability as a mediating variable and the Maqashid Sharia Index (MSI) …
performance with profitability as a mediating variable and the Maqashid Sharia Index (MSI) …
pengaruh kinerja keuangan, struktur modal dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan jakarta Islamic Index
AP Putra, S Widyastuti, R Sari - Prosiding BIEMA (Business …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja keunagan, struktur modal dan
ukuran perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index pada …
ukuran perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index pada …
Pengaruh Penghindaran Pajak dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan
C Ignatius, IA Djashan - E-Jurnal Akuntansi Tsm, 2021 -
This research has a purpose to obtain empirical evidence about the influences of Tax
Avoidance, Return on Asset, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Total Asset Turn Over …
Avoidance, Return on Asset, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Total Asset Turn Over …
The effect of leverage and liquidity on the value of the firm with age as a moderating variable on companies in Indonesia
WW Hidayat - Jurnal Ekonomi Modernisasi, 2022 -
This study aimed to examine whether there is an effect of leverage and liquidity on the value
of the firm with age as moderating variable in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock …
of the firm with age as moderating variable in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock …