Comparative impact of solvent extracts of Spondias mombin leaves on In-vitro antioxidant and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities

UF Evuen, ED Kpomah - Asian Journal of Research in …, 2023 -
The underlying cause of a number of neurological disorders is oxidative stress. Given the
dearth of medications now available to treat such disorders and their accompanying …

Attenuation of frozen storage-induced toxicity in beef via incorporation of culinary spices

UF Evuen, NP Okolie, A Apiamu, ED Kpomah - Food and Humanity, 2023 - Elsevier
The shelf-life of meat products in cold storage is primarily hampered by oxidative reactions.
Thus, the effects of three proven antioxidant culinary spices, Rhaphiostylis beninensis, Piper …