Identifying key drivers for geospatial variation of grain micronutrient concentrations in major maize production regions of China

QY Zhao, SJ Xu, WS Zhang, Z Zhang, Z Yao… - Environmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
Micronutrient deficiencies are prevalent health problems worldwide. The maintenance of
adequate concentrations of micronutrients in maize grain is crucial for human health. We …

Effect of the maize–soybean intercropping system on the potential bioavailability of magnesium, iron and zinc

V Dragicevic, S Oljaca, M Stojiljkovic… - Crop and Pasture …, 2015 - CSIRO Publishing
This study concerned the effect of different intercropping systems (alternating rows and
alternating strips) of maize and soybean compared with single cropping, in combination with …

[PDF][PDF] Iron-zinc based genetic diversity assessment in maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes

M Kausar, N Akhtar, M Arshad, S Gul… - SABRAO J. Breed …, 2023 -
Hidden hunger is one of the most important challenges of the current era, and genetic
biofortification is the most feasible, cheapest, and sustainable way to provide a balanced …

Increase of soybean nutritional quality with nonstandard foliar fertilizers

V Dragičević, B Nikolić, H Waisi… - Journal of Central …, 2016 -
Deficiencies of mineral elements in human nutrition could be surpassed by crop fortification.
One of the prevalent measures of fortification is foliar fertilization. The aim of this study was …

Alterations in mineral nutrients in soybean grain induced by organo-mineral foliar fertilizers

V Dragičević, B Nikolić, H Waisi, M Stojiljković… - Chemical and Biological …, 2015 - Springer
Background Chemical composition of soybean grain may be modified by application of foliar
fertilizers. The aim of this study was to test the effect of different organo-mineral foliar …

[PDF][PDF] The impact of genetic background and cultivation methods on the bioactive compounds and sensory properties of strawberries

A Kårlund - 2016 -
The garden strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) is a nutrient-dense, delicious and highly
valued aggregate accessory fruit. The strawberry is the most important cultivated berry fruit …

Predicting Corn Nutrient Status Based on Hyperspectral Imaging

MY Lin - 2022 -
Abstract Significant portions of nitrogen (40–60%), phosphorus (80–90%) and potash (30–
50%) applied in agricultural fields are not taken up by plants, causing serious issues for …

Наукове обґрунтування технологій дієтичних добавок та харчових продуктів, збагачених на ессенціальні мінеральні речовини

ТМ Головко, МІ Погожих, МП Головко, ВГ Применко… - 2023 -
У монографії теоретично та експериментально обґрунтовано технологію дієтичних
добавок як джерела збагачення харчових продуктів і страв на ессенціальні мінеральні …

Ефекат Нискофреквентног Електромагнетног Поља и Биолошких Компоненати на Принос и Квалитет Семена у Одрживој Производњи Соје

МД Цвијановић - 2017 -
Истраживања су спроведена у периоду 2013-2015 на огледном добру Института за
ратарство и повртарство у Новом Саду, на земљишту типа карбонатни чернозем у …

[PDF][PDF] Possible availability of Mg, Fe Mn and Zn from organicaly produced maize

V Dragicevic, I Spasojevic, M Stojiljkovic… - … . Vinča Institute of …, 2014 -
Trial was conducted during 2013 with aim to study application of different fertilizer
combinations on availability of mineral nutrients Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn from organically …