PySCF: the Python‐based simulations of chemistry framework

Q Sun, TC Berkelbach, NS Blunt… - Wiley …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Python‐based simulations of chemistry framework (PySCF) is a general‐purpose electronic
structure platform designed from the ground up to emphasize code simplicity, so as to …

Multireference approaches for excited states of molecules

H Lischka, D Nachtigallova, AJA Aquino… - Chemical …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Understanding the properties of electronically excited states is a challenging task that
becomes increasingly important for numerous applications in chemistry, molecular physics …

Advances in molecular quantum chemistry contained in the Q-Chem 4 program package

Y Shao, Z Gan, E Epifanovsky, ATB Gilbert… - Molecular …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
A summary of the technical advances that are incorporated in the fourth major release of the
q-Chem quantum chemistry program is provided, covering approximately the last seven …

The density matrix renormalization group in chemistry and molecular physics: Recent developments and new challenges

A Baiardi, M Reiher - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020 -
In the past two decades, the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) has emerged as
an innovative new method in quantum chemistry relying on a theoretical framework very …

Block2: A comprehensive open source framework to develop and apply state-of-the-art DMRG algorithms in electronic structure and beyond

H Zhai, HR Larsson, S Lee, ZH Cui, T Zhu… - The Journal of …, 2023 -
block2 is an open source framework to implement and perform density matrix
renormalization group and matrix product state algorithms. Out-of-the-box it supports the …

Multiconfiguration self-consistent field and multireference configuration interaction methods and applications

PG Szalay, T Muller, G Gidofalvi, H Lischka… - Chemical …, 2012 - ACS Publications
The configuration interaction (CI) method is a general procedure to compute approximate
solutions to the electronic Schrödinger equation. The wave function is written as a linear …

[HTML][HTML] The ab-initio density matrix renormalization group in practice

R Olivares-Amaya, W Hu, N Nakatani… - The Journal of …, 2015 -
The ab-initio density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is a tool that can be applied to a
wide variety of interesting problems in quantum chemistry. Here, we examine the density …

The density matrix renormalization group in quantum chemistry

GKL Chan, S Sharma - Annual review of physical chemistry, 2011 -
The density matrix renormalization group is a method that is useful for describing molecules
that have strongly correlated electrons. Here we provide a pedagogical overview of the …

MOLCAS 7: the next generation

F Aquilante, L De Vico, N Ferré, G Ghigo… - Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Some of the new unique features of the MOLCAS quantum chemistry package version 7 are
presented in this report. In particular, the Cholesky decomposition method applied to some …

Tensor product methods and entanglement optimization for ab initio quantum chemistry

S Szalay, M Pfeffer, V Murg, G Barcza… - … Journal of Quantum …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The treatment of high‐dimensional problems such as the Schrödinger equation can be
approached by concepts of tensor product approximation. We present general techniques …