[HTML][HTML] Commonsense visual sensemaking for autonomous driving–On generalised neurosymbolic online abduction integrating vision and semantics

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Varadarajan - Artificial Intelligence, 2021 - Elsevier
We demonstrate the need and potential of systematically integrated vision and semantics
solutions for visual sensemaking in the backdrop of autonomous driving. A general …

Out of sight but not out of mind: An answer set programming based online abduction framework for visual sensemaking in autonomous driving

J Suchan, M Bhatt, S Varadarajan - arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00107, 2019 - arxiv.org
We demonstrate the need and potential of systematically integrated vision and semantics}
solutions for visual sensemaking (in the backdrop of autonomous driving). A general method …

AUTO-DISCERN: autonomous driving using common sense reasoning

S Kothawade, V Khandelwal, K Basu, H Wang… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2021 - arxiv.org
Driving an automobile involves the tasks of observing surroundings, then making a driving
decision based on these observations (steer, brake, coast, etc.). In autonomous driving, all …

A review on intelligent object perception methods combining knowledge-based reasoning and machine learning

F Gouidis, A Vassiliades, T Patkos, A Argyros… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2019 - arxiv.org
Object perception is a fundamental sub-field of Computer Vision, covering a multitude of
individual areas and having contributed high-impact results. While Machine Learning has …

ASP-based multi-shot reasoning via DLV2 with incremental grounding

F Calimeri, G Ianni, F Pacenza, S Perri… - Proceedings of the 24th …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
DLV2 is an AI tool for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning which supports Answer
Set Programming (ASP)–a logic-based declarative formalism, successfully used in both …

Incremental maintenance of overgrounded logic programs with tailored simplifications

G Ianni, F Pacenza, J Zangari - Theory and Practice of Logic …, 2020 - cambridge.org
The repeated execution of reasoning tasks is desirable in many applicative scenarios, such
as stream reasoning and event processing. When using answer set programming in such …

What do you really want to do? Towards a Theory of Intentions for Human-Robot Collaboration

R Gomez, M Sridharan, H Riley - Annals of Mathematics and Artificial …, 2021 - Springer
The architecture described in this paper encodes a theory of intentions based on the key
principles of non-procrastination, persistence, and automatically limiting reasoning to …

Think before You Simulate: Symbolic Reasoning to Orchestrate Neural Computation for Counterfactual Question Answering

A Ishay, Z Yang, J Lee, I Kang… - Proceedings of the IEEE …, 2024 - openaccess.thecvf.com
Causal and temporal reasoning about video dynamics is a challenging problem. While
neuro-symbolic models that combine symbolic reasoning with neural-based perception and …

[PDF][PDF] On robustness in qualitative constraint networks

M Sioutis, Z Long, T Janhunen - Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth …, 2021 - ijcai.org
We introduce and study a notion of robustness in Qualitative Constraint Networks (QCNs),
which are typically used to represent and reason about abstract spatial and temporal …

Answer set programming modulo 'space-time'

C Schultz, M Bhatt, J Suchan, PA Wałęga - Rules and Reasoning: Second …, 2018 - Springer
Abstract We present ASP Modulo 'Space-Time', a declarative representational and
computational framework to perform commonsense reasoning about regions with both …