Algebraic stability of zigzag persistence modules

M Botnan, M Lesnick - Algebraic & geometric topology, 2018 -
The stability theorem for persistent homology is a central result in topological data analysis.
While the original formulation of the result concerns the persistence barcodes of ℝ–valued …

Generalized persistence diagrams for persistence modules over posets

W Kim, F Mémoli - Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 2021 - Springer
When a category CC satisfies certain conditions, we define the notion of rank invariant for
arbitrary poset-indexed functors F: P → CF: P→ C from a category theory perspective. This …

Homological algebra and data

R Ghrist - Math. Data, 2018 -
are mathematical in nature, this article will treat the formalities with a light touch and heavy
references, in order to make the subject more accessible to practitioners. See the concluding …

Moduli spaces of Morse functions for persistence

MJ Catanzaro, JM Curry, BT Fasy, J Lazovskis… - Journal of Applied and …, 2020 - Springer
We consider different notions of equivalence for Morse functions on the sphere in the context
of persistent homology and introduce new invariants to study these equivalence classes …

Extracting Persistent Clusters in Dynamic Data via Möbius Inversion

W Kim, F Mémoli - Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2024 - Springer
Identifying and representing clusters in time-varying network data is of particular importance
when studying collective behaviors emerging in nature, in mobile device networks or in …

Edit distance and persistence diagrams over lattices

A McCleary, A Patel - SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 2022 - SIAM
We build a functorial pipeline for persistent homology. The input to this pipeline is a filtered
simplicial complex indexed by any finite metric lattice, and the output is a persistence …

[HTML][HTML] The fiber of persistent homology for simplicial complexes

J Leygonie, U Tillmann - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
We study the inverse problem for persistent homology: For a fixed simplicial complex K, we
analyze the fiber of the continuous map PH on the space of filters that assigns to a filter f: K→ …

Persistent homology transform cosheaf

BT Fasy, A Patel - arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.05243, 2022 -
We employ the recent discovery of functoriality for persistent homology to recast the
Persistent Homology Transform of a geometric complex as a cosheaf of combinatorial …

A family of metrics from the truncated smoothing of Reeb graphs

EW Chambers, E Munch, T Ophelders - arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07795, 2020 -
In this paper, we introduce an extension of smoothing on Reeb graphs, which we call
truncated smoothing; this in turn allows us to define a new family of metrics which generalize …

[HTML][HTML] Dualities between cellular sheaves and cosheaves

JM Curry - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper affirms a conjecture of MacPherson—that the derived category of cellular
sheaves is equivalent to the derived category of cellular cosheaves. We give a self …