Characterization of sediments from Copenhagen Harbour by use of biotests

F Pedersen, E Bjørnestad, HV Andersen… - water science and …, 1998 - Elsevier
The potential environmental hazard of sediment samples from Copenhagen Harbour was
investigated by a combination of chemical analyses and biological tests. The chemical …

Inventory of marine biotest methods for the evaluation of dredged material and sediments

M Nendza - Chemosphere, 2002 - Elsevier
An inventory of marine biotest methods for the evaluation of dredged material and sediments
was compiled on behalf of the Federal Environmental Agency of Germany. Relevant assays …

Anthropogenic heavy metal pollution in the surficial sediments of the Keratsini Harbor, Saronikos Gulf, Greece

S Galanopoulou, A Vgenopoulos… - Water, Air, and Soil …, 2009 - Springer
The contents of ten elements [Cd, Pb, W, Zn, Mn, As, Se, Cr, Cu, and organic carbon (C org)]
have been determined in the surficial sediments of Keratsini harbor, Saronikos Gulf, Greece …

Sterols and fecal indicator microorganisms in sediments from Admiralty Bay, Antarctica

CC Martins, RC Montone, RC Gamba… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2005 - SciELO Brasil
Sediments from the proximity of Ferraz station outfall, located in Admiralty Bay, Antarctica,
were analyzed for fecal indicator microorganisms and sterols during the austral summer of …

Ecotoxicological assessment of sediments from the Port of Santos and the disposal sites of dredged material

ECPM Sousa, D Abessa, R Bauer RF… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2007 - SciELO Brasil
The dredging of sediments from the Santos Channel is necessary to allow the navigation of
ships operating in the Port of Santos. The disposal sites for such sediments are situated on …

Ecotoxicological risk assessment linked to infilling quarries with treated dredged seaport sediments

Y Perrodin, G Donguy, C Bazin, L Volatier… - Science of the total …, 2012 - Elsevier
The dredged sediments of polluted seaports now raise complex management problems
since it is no longer possible to discharge them into the sea. This results in the need to …

On line biomonitors used as a tool for toxicity reduction evaluation of in situ groundwater remediation techniques

E Küster, F Dorusch, C Vogt, H Weiss… - Biosensors and …, 2004 - Elsevier
Success of groundwater remediation is typically controlled via snapshot analysis of selected
chemical substances or physical parameters. Biological parameters, ie ecotoxicological …

Carbonic anhydrase-based environmental bioassay

MG Lionetto, R Caricato, E Erroi… - International Journal …, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is a metalloenzyme catalysing the reversible idratation of CO2 in
H+ and. It is an ubiquitous enzyme in bacteria, plant and animal kingdoms, playing a …

[图书][B] Genetic diversity and structure of calanoid copepods: molecular evolutionary patterns in coastal estuaries (Acartia tonsa) and the open ocean (Calanus spp.)

RS Hill - 2004 -
Calanoid copepods are an important part of marine and estuarine ecosystems. However, it
has been difficult to study their life histories, population structure, and evolution because …

[引用][C] 海洋重金属污染的研究进展

田金, 李超, 宛立, 杜牛, 赵海勃 - 水产科学, 2009