[PDF][PDF] Pemanfaatan ternak kerbau untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi susu

C Talib, RH Matondang - Jurnal Penelitian dan …, 2015 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Kerbau rawa/lumpur tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai
ternak perah untuk meningkatkan produksi susu dalam negeri yang baru mampu memenuhi …

[PDF][PDF] Pencegahan pemotongan sapi betina produktif melalui tata kelola lembaga korporasi perusahaan daerah

A Priyanti, I Inounu, N Ilham - Jurnal WARTAZOA, 2017 - academia.edu
Sensus terakhir peternakan nasional tahun 2013 menunjukkan bahwa populasi sapi dan
kerbau mengalami penurunan sebesar 15% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2011. Penurunan …

[PDF][PDF] Follicle stimulating hormone and gonadotropin releasing hormone administration to the superovulation of buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis)

T Afriani, F Rahim, A Rachmat, M Mundana… - American Journal of …, 2020 - academia.edu
This study aims to determine the response of superovulation, corpus luteum number, onset
and duration of estrus in Swamp Buffalo after administration of Follicle Stimulating Hormone …

Reproductive performance of swamp buffalo with various dosages of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

T Afriani, Jaswandi, E Roza, A Rastosari, T Hidayat… - 2023 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This study aims to determine the reproductive performance of Swamp buffalo with various
dosage of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). The study subjects were Swamp …

Estrus Performance and Pregnancy Rate in Types of Local Cows on Different Estrus Synchronization Protocols

Y Yendraliza, L Lia, J Handoko… - Animal Production, 2020 - animalproduction.net
The research aimed to evaluate the onset of estrus, conception rate, pregnancy rate and
duration of estrus in Bali cow, limousine cow and rambon cow after being administered with …

[PDF][PDF] Effect Of Gnrh Administration On Superovulation Response Of Pesisir Cows In West Sumatera.

T Afriani, E Purwati, J Hellyward, M Mundana… - Webology, 2022 - webology.org
This study aimed to determine the response of superovulation in pesisir cows. Animals were
treated with GnRH at different doses, and we observed the onset, estrous duration, number …

[PDF][PDF] Estrus synchronization in swamp buffaloes

BP Yendraliza, BP Zefsin, ZJ Udin… - … Service, Ithaca NY, 2015 - researchgate.net
Swamp buffaloes are distinctly of Chinese origin. There are 18 known breeds/strains in
China while Indonesia has identified seven breeds/strains. Among the breeds of Indonesia …


H Kholizah - 2022 - repository.uniks.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan conception sapi bali
program inseminasi buatan untuk meningkatkan angka kelahiran di Kabupaten Kuantan …


T Afriani - repo.unand.ac.id
This study aims to detehine the response of superovulation, corpus luteum number, onset
and duration of estrus in Swamp Buffalo after administration of Follicle Stimulating Hormone …


KLM Padang - core.ac.uk
Swamp buffaloes are distinctly of Chinese origin. There are 18 known breeds/strains in
China while Indonesia has identified seven breeds/strains. Among the breeds of Indonesia …