[PDF][PDF] Litodynamiczna interpretacja środowiska fluwialnego na podstawie wskaźników uziarnienia: przegląd wybranych metod

JB Szmańda - Landform Analysis, 2010 - bibliotekanauki.pl
W artykule omówiono wybrane metody interpretacji litodynamicznej środowiska fluwialnego.
Przedstawiono metody oceny rangowej energii prądu, metody analizy trendów …

The ADDRESS of a grain: Sediment particle tracking as an approach to assessing ecosystem quality in dammed reservoirs

PS Hachaj, P Gierszewski, W Juśkiewicz… - Science of The Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
The study integrates hydrodynamic modelling and geospatial analysis methods to describe
the dynamic transport and sedimentation conditions of suspended solids (SS) in large …

Assessment of the chemical state of bottom sediments in the eutrophied dam reservoir in Poland

A Ziemińska-Stolarska, E Imbierowicz… - International Journal of …, 2020 - mdpi.com
The aim of the presented research was to examine the concentration of biogenic
compounds and heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Sulejów Reservoir (Central …

[图书][B] Hydromorfologiczne uwarunkowania funkcjonowania geoekosystemu Zbiornika Włocławskiego= Hydromorphological conditions of the functioning of the …

P Gierszewski - 2018 - books.google.com
Pierwsze zapory wodne pojawiły się najprawdopodobniej przed 3000 lat pne w
nadrzecznych cywilizacjach Mezopotamii i Egiptu (Mays 2010; Tamburrino 2010). Jednak to …

Phosphorus in sediments and pore waters of selected Polish dam reservoirs

A Trojanowska, P Jezierski - Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 2011 - Springer
This study aimed to examine and explain the spatial distribution of total phosphorus in
sediments and orthophosphates in interstitial water in four Polish dam reservoirs with …

Quantity and quality of organic carbon in bottom sediments of two upland dam reservoirs in Poland

H Smal, S Ligęza, S Baran… - Environment …, 2015 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
The quantity and quality of organic carbon were studied in bottom sediments of two small,
shallow, polymictic dam reservoirs located in SE Poland: Zalew Zemborzycki (ZZ) and Brody …

[PDF][PDF] Koncentracja metali ciężkich w osadach zbiornika włocławskiego jako wskaźnik hydrodynamicznych warunków depozycji

P Gierszewski - Landform Analysis, 2008 - infona.pl
Metale ciężkie transportowane w środowisku wodnym w formie rozpuszczonej w wyniku
złożonych procesów geochemicznych przekształcają się w formy nierozpuszczalne. Istotny …

[PDF][PDF] Distribution of grain size and organic matter content in sediments of submontane dam reservoir

E Szarek-Gwiazda, I Sadowska - Environment Protection …, 2010 - researchgate.net
A spatial distribution of both sediments (in terms of their texture) and organic matter in the
Dobczyce Reservoir (southern Poland) was studied. Texture of the sediments in a central …

[PDF][PDF] Spatial distribution of manganese and iron in sediments of the Czorsztyn Reservoir

A Czaplicka, S Bazan, E Szarek-Gwiazda… - Environment …, 2016 - bibliotekanauki.pl
Concentrations of iron and manganese were investigated in 26 sediment samples from the
Czorsztyn Reservoir (South Poland). Spatial distribution of these metals in the reservoir is …

[HTML][HTML] Implementation of the AdH hydrodynamic model on the Włocławek Reservoir

M Tutro, PS Hachaj, M Szlapa, P Gierszewski… - Geographia …, 2022 - rcin.org.pl
The variation of water velocity in an artificial dam reservoir is influenced not only by the
inflow discharge, but also by the bathymetry of the reservoir and the water level at the dam …