[图书][B] Union voices: Tactics and tensions in UK organizing

M Simms, J Holgate, E Heery - 2017 - degruyter.com
Organizing has become a central tenet of trade union renewal in countries as diverse as the
United States, the Netherlands, and the UK. This book is the most systematic effort to date to …

[图书][B] The making of women trade unionists

G Kirton - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
In what will be essential reading for all industrial relations scholars, Gill Kirton considers the
social construction of women's trade union participation in the context of male dominated …

[图书][B] Gendering Israel's outsourcing: The erasure of employees' caring skills

O Benjamin - 2016 - books.google.com
This book presents an institutional ethnography of budgeting processes of commissioning
contracts within welfare, education, and health ministries as case studies. With the historical …

Union renewal, postheroic leadership, and women's organizing: Crossing discourses, reframing debates

L Briskin - Labor Studies Journal, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
This article examines leaders, leadership, and union renewal with a focus on women's
leadership and organizing. First, it considers the links between union renewal and women's …

Family, place and the intergenerational transmission of union membership

A Bryson, R Davies - British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
This article examines the importance of family, gender and place to the intergenerational
transmission of trade union membership. Using data from the British Household Panel …

[图书][B] Gender and leadership in unions

G Kirton, GM Healy - 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
In some ways we [US and UK women trade union leaders and activists] are similar; how we
started off in the workplace, different problems we encountered. So in many ways we are …

[图书][B] Women's Activism Behind the Screens

F Galt - 2020 - bristoluniversitypressdigital.com
Women's Activism Behind the Screens: Trade Unions and Gender Inequality in the British Film
and Television Industries Page 1 WOMEN’S ACTIVISM BEHIND THE SCREENS Trade Unions …

Görünmezlerin görünür olma mücadeleleri: çalışan kadın örgütlenmeleri

B Urhan - Çalışma ve Toplum, 2009 - dergipark.org.tr
Increase in women workforce brought the problems of organization of women in trade
unions and their representation back into the agenda. In this process, hundreds of …

Progress towards gender democracy in UK unions 1987–2012

G Kirton - British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
This article provides a detailed chronological account of the extent of overall change in
women's representation in UK unions' structures of democracy and in unions' adoption of …

Commitment and collective identity of long-term union participation: the case of women union leaders in the UK and USA

G Kirton, G Healy - Work, employment and society, 2013 - journals.sagepub.com
This article asks what sustains women union leaders' long-term union participation given an
internal environment often hostile to women and an external context antagonistic to unions …