Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian

A Sorace, F Filiaci - Second language research, 2006 -
This study presents data from an experiment on the interpretation of intrasentential
anaphora in Italian by native Italian speakers and by English speakers who have learned …

[图书][B] The syntax of Russian

JF Bailyn - 2012 -
The study of Russian is of great importance to syntactic theory, due in particular to its
unusual case system and its complex word order patterns. This book provides an essential …

5: Grammatical illusions and selective fallibility in real-time language comprehension

C Phillips, MW Wagers, EF Lau - Experiments at the Interfaces, 2011 -
Grammatical constraints impose diverse requirements on the relations between words and
phrases in a sentence. Research on the online implementation of grammatical constraints …

The effect of syntactic constraints on the processing of backwards anaphora

N Kazanina, EF Lau, M Lieberman, M Yoshida… - Journal of Memory and …, 2007 - Elsevier
This article presents three studies that investigate when syntactic constraints become
available during the processing of long-distance backwards pronominal dependencies …

The role of language processing in language acquisition

C Phillips, L Ehrenhofer - Linguistic approaches to bilingualism, 2015 -
Language processing research is changing in two ways that should make it more relevant to
the study of grammatical learning. First, grammatical phenomena are re-entering the …

[PDF][PDF] Should we impeach armchair linguists

C Phillips - Japanese/Korean Linguistics, 2009 -
If you believe what you read in the papers (no, not those ones-I mean journal articles,
chapters, etc.), you will surely know that linguistics faces a crisis. This is because it is a field …

Processing definitional and stereotypical gender in reference resolution: Evidence from eye-movements

H Kreiner, P Sturt, S Garrod - Journal of Memory and Language, 2008 - Elsevier
Readers immediately slow down when an anaphor (eg herself) refers to an antecedent that
mismatches in stereotypical gender (eg minister). The mismatch-cost has been attributed to …

Some arguments and nonarguments for reductionist accounts of syntactic phenomena

C Phillips - Language and Cognitive Processes, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Many syntactic phenomena have received competing accounts, either in terms of formal
grammatical mechanisms, or in terms of independently motivated properties of language …

Binding and Anticataphora in Mayan

J Royer - Linguistic Inquiry, 2023 -
This article examines a puzzle pertaining to the distribution of covalued nominals in two
understudied Mayan languages, Chuj and Ch'ol. While Ch'ol behaves as expected with …

Quantifier scope and scope freezing in Russian

S Antonyuk - 2015 -
This dissertation supports a view of Russian as a QR language of the English variety,
together with the general nuanced picture of Bobaljik and Wurmbrand (2012), wherein there …