Baleen whale prey consumption based on high-resolution foraging measurements
Baleen whales influence their ecosystems through immense prey consumption and nutrient
recycling,–. It is difficult to accurately gauge the magnitude of their current or historic …
recycling,–. It is difficult to accurately gauge the magnitude of their current or historic …
Field measurements reveal exposure risk to microplastic ingestion by filter-feeding megafauna
SR Kahane-Rapport, MF Czapanskiy… - Nature …, 2022 -
Microparticles, such as microplastics and microfibers, are ubiquitous in marine food webs.
Filter-feeding megafauna may be at extreme risk of exposure to microplastics, but neither the …
Filter-feeding megafauna may be at extreme risk of exposure to microplastics, but neither the …
Too big to study? The biologging approach to understanding the behavioural energetics of ocean giants
YY Watanabe, JA Goldbogen - Journal of Experimental …, 2021 -
Wild animals are under selective pressure to optimise energy budgets; therefore, quantifying
energy expenditure, intake and allocation to specific activities is important if we are to …
energy expenditure, intake and allocation to specific activities is important if we are to …
Lunge feeding in rorqual whales
The largest animals are baleen filter feeders that exploit large aggregations of small-bodied
plankton. Although this feeding mechanism has evolved multiple times in marine …
plankton. Although this feeding mechanism has evolved multiple times in marine …
Tools for integrating inertial sensor data with video bio-loggers, including estimation of animal orientation, motion, and position
Bio-logging devices equipped with inertial measurement units—particularly accelerometers,
magnetometers, and pressure sensors—have revolutionized our ability to study animals as …
magnetometers, and pressure sensors—have revolutionized our ability to study animals as …
Predator‐scale spatial analysis of intra‐patch prey distribution reveals the energetic drivers of rorqual whale super‐group formation
Animals are distributed relative to the resources they rely upon, often scaling in abundance
relative to available resources. Yet, in heterogeneously distributed environments, describing …
relative to available resources. Yet, in heterogeneously distributed environments, describing …
Endothermy makes fishes faster but does not expand their thermal niche
Regional endothermy has evolved several times in marine fishes, and two competing
hypotheses are generally proposed to explain the evolutionary drivers behind this trait …
hypotheses are generally proposed to explain the evolutionary drivers behind this trait …
Animal-borne metrics enable acoustic detection of blue whale migration
Linking individual and population scales is fundamental to many concepts in ecology [1],
including migration [2, 3]. This behavior is a critical [4] yet increasingly threatened [5] part of …
including migration [2, 3]. This behavior is a critical [4] yet increasingly threatened [5] part of …
Minke whale feeding rate limitations suggest constraints on the minimum body size for engulfment filtration feeding
Bulk filter feeding has enabled gigantism throughout evolutionary history. The largest
animals, extant rorqual whales, utilize intermittent engulfment filtration feeding (lunge …
animals, extant rorqual whales, utilize intermittent engulfment filtration feeding (lunge …
Behavioral responses of individual blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) to mid-frequency military sonar
BL Southall, SL DeRuiter… - Journal of …, 2019 -
This study measured the degree of behavioral responses in blue whales (Balaenoptera
musculus) to controlled noise exposure off the southern California coast. High-resolution …
musculus) to controlled noise exposure off the southern California coast. High-resolution …