From dative to accusative. An ongoing syntactic change in Romance

A Pineda - Probus, 2020 -
In several Romance languages, including Catalan, Spanish, Asturian and Neapolitan,
several verbs ('phone','answer','shoot','rob', among others) can take a dative-or accusative …

Light Verbs and Grammaticalization. Evidence From the Catalan Light Verb “Agafar”

J Ginebra - Catalan Journal of Linguistics, 2024 -
Determining the linguistic nature of light verbs–whether they are lexical or grammatical units–
is still an open question. Light verbs are often characterised as delexicalized. Thus …

[PDF][PDF] The accusative/dative alternation in Catalan verbs with experiencer object

C Royo - Dative constructions in Romance and beyond, 2020 -
Various Catalan psychological verbs that are part of causative sentences with an accusative
experiencer (Els nens van molestar la Maria or La van molestar 'The kids annoyed Maria'or …

[PDF][PDF] Verbs psicològics transitius amb subjecte experimentador

C Royo - Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, 2023 -
The article describes the behaviour of emotional psychological verbs in Catalan such as
lamentar 'to regret'or odiar 'to hate', which participate in transitive sentences with an …

[PDF][PDF] Dative constructions across languages: An introduction

A Pineda i Cirera… - Dative constructions in …, 2020 -
The present volume offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages–
with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known …

Les accepcions i el règim del verb «molestar»

C Royo - Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, 2024 -
Les oracions del verb molestar presenten diferents accepcions i configuracions sintàctiques,
manifestació de l'extraordinària flexibilitat semàntica i sintàctica d'aquest predicat. En aquest …

Aspecte i estructura argumental en les construccions passives del català

I Crespí - 2020 -
En aquesta tesi ens proposem identificar i analitzar les diferents construccions passives del
català i fer una proposta formal que permeti analitzar de manera unificada les passives de …

Els verbs psicològics pronominals catalans i l'alternança emotiva/volitiva

C Royo - Études romanes de Brno, 2018 -
Hi ha dos grups de verbs psicològics pronominals catalans que regeixen un sintagma
preposicional (interessar-se {per/en}, penedir-se de) i que es diferencien dels verbs …

Agreement and optionality: evidence from Spanish variation

I Fernández Serrano - 2022 -
This dissertation deals with the syntax of number agreement. It focuses on two phenomena
of variation in Spanish: number unagreement (NU), understood as lack of agreement in a …

[PDF][PDF] Configuració sintàctica i estructura argumental dels verbs psicològics impersonals del llatí

J Mateu, C Royo - Seminari del CLT, Universitat Autònoma de …, 2022 -
We analyze the sentences with those Latin impersonal psychological verbs that have the
syntactic configuration [ExperiencerAC/StimulusGEN]: miseret, paenitet, piget, pudet, taedet …