Critical psychology: An introduction

DR Fox, S Austin, I Prilleltensky - 2009 -
Bruce A. Arrigo is Professor of Crime, Law, and Society in the Department of Criminal
Justice, University of North Carolina–Charlotte. He holds additional faculty appointments in …

[图书][B] Law and Society: Canadian Edition

S Vago, A Nelson, V Nelson, SE Barkan - 2017 -
Law and Society provides a balanced and comprehensive analysis of the interplay between
law and society using both Canadian and international examples. This clear and readable …

Social science research on trial: Use of sex stereotyping research in Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins..

ST Fiske, DN Bersoff, E Borgida, K Deaux… - American …, 1991 -
Abstract The first Supreme Court case to use psychological research on sex stereotyping
was Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. The case was decided in May 1989 and remanded to …

Reasonable expectations of privacy and autonomy in fourth amendment cases: An empirical look at understandings recognized and permitted by society

C Slobogin, JE Schumacher - Duke LJ, 1992 - HeinOnline
This Article reports an attempt to investigate empirically important aspects of the Fourth
Amendment to the United States Constitution, as construed by the United States Supreme …

[图书][B] Friends of the Supreme Court: Interest groups and judicial decision making

PM Collins Jr - 2008 -
The US Supreme Court is a public policy battleground in which organized interests attempt
to etch their economic, legal, and political preferences into law through the filing of amicus …

The trouble with amicus facts

AO Larsen - Va. L. Rev., 2014 - HeinOnline
ABSTRACT T he number of amicus curiae briefs filed at the Supreme Court is at an all-time
high. Most observers, and even some of the Justices, believe that the best of these briefs are …

The use of amicus briefs

PM Collins Jr - Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2018 -
Judicial decisions play an important role in shaping public policy. Recognizing this, interest
groups and other entities lobby judges in an attempt to translate their policy preferences into …

[图书][B] Social science in law: Cases and materials

J Monahan, L Walker - 1994 -
The purpose of the book [is] to apprise the reader of the actual and potential uses of social
science in the American legal process and how those uses might be evaluated. We here …

The Supreme Court and junk social science: Selective distortion in amicus briefs

M Rustad, T Koenig - NCL Rev., 1993 - HeinOnline
Against the backdrop of the Supreme Court's three most recent cases deciding the
constitutionality of punitive damages, Professors Rustad and Koenig examine the way …

Jurors and juries: A review of the field

E Greene, SR Chopra, MB Kovera, SD Penrod… - Taking psychology and …, 2002 - Springer
Angel Maturino Resendiz, a rail-riding Mexican drifter, confessed to killing nine people and
pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity but a Texas jury convicted Resendiz of capital …