The Relationship between Service Quality, Culture Similarity to Satisfaction and Loyalty of Medical (Dental) Tourism.

FH Akbar, BD Pasiga, R Samad… - Systematic reviews …, 2020 -
Objective: This systematic review aimed to investigate and understand the relationship
between service quality, cultural equality to satisfaction and loyalty of dental tourism …

[HTML][HTML] Factors affecting dental center service quality in Indonesia

FH Akbar, S Pasinringi, AH Awang - Pesquisa brasileira em …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To identify factors affecting dental center service quality in Bantaeng Regency,
Indonesia. Material and Methods: This study used a pilot pathfinder design and analysed a …

Déterminants de la Satisfaction des Bénéficiaires des Services de Soins de Santé: Une Revue de la Littérature Systématique

S BENCHEKROUN, O TAOUAB… - … des Sciences de …, 2023 -
Cet article a pour objectif d'identifier et d'examiner les déterminants de la satisfaction des
patients pour des procédures d'opérationnalisation ultérieures. Pour ce faire, nous avons …

Assessment of patient satisfaction level to dental health care services in Indonesia

FH Akbar, S Pasinringi, AH Awang - Pesquisa Brasileira em …, 2020 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To know the level of patient satisfaction with dental healthcare services in
Bantaeng, Indonesia. Material and Methods: This pilot pathfinder survey was conducted at …

[PDF][PDF] Gender and age differences in patient satisfaction with dental care in the urban and rural areas of Indonesia: Pilot pathfinder survey

FH Akbar, U Ayuandyka - Pesquisa Brasileira em …, 2018 -
Objective: To know the difference of patient satisfaction to dental service based on gender
and age in urban and rural area of Gowa regency of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Material …

[HTML][HTML] Relationship between health service access to dental conditions in urban and rural areas in Indonesia

FH Akbar, S Pasinringi, AH Awang - Pesquisa Brasileira em …, 2019 - SciELO Brasil
Objective: To determine relationship between access to dental health services with dental
health conditions of adult communities in urban areas represented by Somba Opu and rural …

Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kunjungan Pasien Poliklinik Gigi Rumah Sakit Satya Negara

RS Limirang, A Bachtiar - An-Nadaa: Jurnal Kesehatan …, 2021 -
Layanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut adalah salah satu jenis pelayanan yang disediakan oleh
rumah sakit. Pemanfaatan poliklinik gigi di Rumah Sakit Satya Negara masih cukup kurang …

University Students' Satisfaction with the Quality of Primary Dental Healthcare Services and Dentists in Croatia: A Cross-Sectional Study

A Tadin, M Dadic, L Gavic - Clinics and Practice, 2022 -
Measuring satisfaction can be an essential method for evaluating and improving healthcare
quality. Therefore, this survey aimed to determine university students' satisfaction with dental …

Patient's satisfaction with dental clinics and treatment at Riyadh Elm University

A Al Saffan, R Babsail, Y Al Shilawy… - Saudi Journal of Oral …, 2019 -
Background: Satisfaction of the patient plays a key role in determining the correlation
between the quality of health-care services provided and the patients' trust. The objective of …

Tingkat Kepuasan Pelayanan Di Poliklinik Gigi Dan Mulut RSUD dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Berbasis Model Servqual Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

MFF Pasya, N Muthiah… - Mulawarman Dental …, 2022 -
Abstrak Latar Belakang: RSUD dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo merupakan rumah sakit
pemerintah yang dijadikan rujukan untuk menangani pasien terkonfirmasi positif COVID-19 …