Biology and conservation of the European stag beetle: recent advances and lessons learned

M Méndez, A Thomaes - Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Reliable information for the conservation of many insects is lacking due to a poor knowledge
of their ecology. Here, we review the biological knowledge about the European stag beetle …

[PDF][PDF] Red List of the saproxylic scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae, Cetoniidae and Dynastidae) for Flanders

A Thomaes, A Drumont, L Crevecoeur… - Bulletin de la Société …, 2015 -
Abstract The Red List status of the saproxylic scarab beetles for Flanders was assessed. We
evaluated 15 species belonging to the stag beetles (Lucanidae), rhinoceros beetles …

Genetic structure of recently fragmented suburban populations of European stag beetle

K Cox, N McKeown, A Vanden Broeck… - Ecology and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat loss and fragmentation due to urbanization can negatively affect metapopulation
persistence when gene flow among populations is reduced and population sizes decrease …

[PDF][PDF] Lucanus cervus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) sampling during its flight period in Northern Italy: data from an ongoing survey in an oak forest

D Scaccini, M Anaclerio - … de la Société royale belge d' …, 2016 -
In a forest in Northern Italy, adults of Lucanus cervus were periodically monitored in 2014
and 2015 from June to August. Sightings of walking and flying individuals were recorded …

[PDF][PDF] Conservation of saproxylic beetles in a wooded pasture in northern Scania

A Schmidt - 2018 -
The area of wooded pasture in Europe has decreased drastically over the last centuries due
to abandoned management. Herrevadskloster is a newly formed nature reserve in northern …

[PDF][PDF] Lokale staat van instandhouding voor habitat-en vogelrichtlijnsoorten binnen het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

In het kader van de Europese Habitat-en Vogelrichtlijn is elk gewest in België
verantwoordelijk voor de opvolging van de staat van instandhouding van de Europees …

[引用][C] Jelonek rogacz Lucanus cervus (Linnaeus, 1758) i jego ochrona w polskich lasach

A Mazur, A Chrzanowski, R Kuzminski, A Labedzki… - sylwan, 2021 - -