[HTML][HTML] From the Late Pleistocene to the present: Geochemical characterisation of a lithic assemblage from Widgingarri Shelter 1, Arraluli Country, west Kimberley

E Nutman, S O'Connor, W Malanali, P Collins - Quaternary Science …, 2025 - Elsevier
The geochemical sourcing and characterisation of lithic assemblages is surprisingly rare in
Australian archaeology. The studies that have been undertaken have overwhelmingly …

Mechanical properties of lithic raw materials from Kazakhstan: Comparing chert, shale, and porphyry

A Namen, R Iovita, KG Nickel, A Varis… - Plos one, 2022 - journals.plos.org
The study of lithic raw material quality has become one of the major interpretive tools to
investigate the raw material selection behaviour and its influence to the knapping …

Nazugum, a new 4000 year old rockshelter site in the Ili Alatau, Tien Shan

A Namen, A Varis, S Lindauer, R Friedrich… - … Research in Asia, 2022 - Elsevier
The PALAEOSILKROAD project has been conducting field surveys in Kazakhstan to explore
the regional Palaeolithic record by targeting primarily caves and rockshelters. However, the …

Inter-site and intra-site comparison of recycling in Paleolithic surface contexts of Central Kazakhstan

E Coco, TB Mamirov - Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2024 - Springer
Archaeological surface deposits, where artifacts are exposed on the ground from the
moment of initial discard, would have been ideal sources for scavenging recyclable material …

Preference for Porphyry: Petrographic Insights into Lithic Raw Material Procurement from Palaeolithic Kazakhstan

A Namen, P Schmidt, A Varis… - Journal of Field …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Only a handful of stratified sites are known in loess, spring, and river contexts in the northern
piedmonts of the Tian Shan, and the majority are dated to the Upper Palaeolithic. These …

Raw material choices in the palaeolithic of the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor of Kazakhstan

A Namen - 2022 - tobias-lib.ub.uni-tuebingen.de
Reconstructing hominin raw material utilization patterns comprises one of the fundamental
objectives of prehistoric archaeology. Lithic raw materials have been widely used as …

[PDF][PDF] Early Holocene human occupations in the western Tian Shan (Central Asia): Insights from the Alpysbaev Cave

Abstract The Early Holocene archaeology of Central Asia (particularly the Pamir-Alay and
Western Tian Shan ranges) has recently revealed valuable insights regarding the patterns of …

打製石器の石材における剥離予測性: 岩石の表面あるいは内部の構造の把握と力学的特性の測定による検証方法のレビュー

須賀永帰 - 第四紀研究, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 打製石器は先史時代の遺跡から出土する考古資料の主体を占める資料の一つである.
その石材における 「剥離しやすさ」 は, 当時の人類の資源利用の実態を理解する上で重要な要素と …