Impelmentasi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Menghadapi Era Bercirikan VUCA

S Bahri - Jurnal Hurriah: Jurnal Evaluasi Pendidikan Dan …, 2022 -
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana dunia digital yang didefinisikan oleh
VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, dan Ambiguity), memiliki dampak yang signifikan …

The Use of Digital Economy Learning Media in the VUCA Era: A Literature Review

E Cerya, RN Wahid, Y Maulidina… - Seventh Padang …, 2021 -
Facing the VUCA era, a generation that is capable of analytical, critical and innovative
thinking is needed. For this reason, this study aims to answer the challenges of the era of …

The Application of the New Media a Review on Learning Media in the VUCA Era

AW Utoyo, K Setiawan, G Razali… - Open Society …, 2023 -
In the face of the VUCA age, a generation with critical thinking, analytical and inventive
thinking is required. As a result, the purpose of this research is to address the issues of the …

Prinsip Pembelajaran Dengan Platform Gather Town sebagai Langkah Recovery Pendidikan di Era VUCA

NZ Arifah, A Widiyatmoko… - … Seminar Nasional IPA, 2022 -
Abstract Pandemi COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) memberikan dampak yang begitu besar
kepada masyarakat di segala aspek bidang. Akibatnya, terjadi perubahan tatanan hidup di …

Klasifikasi Biji Kopi Berdasarkan Bentuk Menggunakan Image Processing dan K-NN

A Fadjeri - Jurnal Ilmiah SINUS, 2023 -
Temanggung Regency is the largest coffee producing area in Central Java. Robusta and
Arabica are two types of coffee grown in this area. The manual method of sorting coffee …

Challenges for junior high school mathematics teachers in preparing to implement the independent curriculum

S Suripah, AW Pratiwi… - Jurnal Riset Pendidikan …, 2023 -
This research aims to describe the challenges of junior high school mathematics teachers in
Pekanbaru in preparing to implement the independent curriculum. This type of research is a …

Strategies in Preparing PAI Student Competencies Prospective Teachers in The Vuca Era: A Case Study At FTIK IAIN Ponorogo

AD Sukmawati, K Wathoni - Annual International …, 2023 -
Abstract Changes in world life that are increasingly rapid and sudden in nature require
planning strategies. Likewise, students majoring in PAI need preparedness that needs to be …

Diagnosa Keterampilan mengajar guru PAI pada materi yang dianggap tabu di SDIT Al-Firdaus Banjarmasin

N Nuryadin, A Husein - Muallimuna: Jurnal Madrasah …, 2021 -
Materi Fiqih memerlukan sebuah keterampilan khusus bagi seorang pendidik dalam
menyampaikannya, apalagi bersinggungan masalah penyampaian materi yang dianggap …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis Minat Mahasiswa dalam Berliterasi Sastra melalui Kegiatan Membaca dan Menyimak di Era VUCA

R Heryani, H Haerul - JENTERA …, 2023 -
The era of disruption, which is full of uncertain phenomena, has affected the way people
think and act today, including in the context of education. This era was later referred to as the …

Pelatihan Produksi Video Bahan Ajar Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Pembelajaran Di Era Vuca

MJD Sunarto, B Hariadi, T Amelia… - Lumbung Inovasi …, 2022 -
Abstract Era VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) yang dihadapi peserta
didik saat ini perlu dijawab melalui pendidikan yang secara sengaja distruktur untuk …