Micronuclei and other nuclear lesions as genotoxicity indicators in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

F Ayllon, E Garcia-Vazquez - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2001 - Elsevier
The induction of micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities in renal erythrocytes of
rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss by six genotoxic compounds is evaluated. Colchicine …

Pretreatment with valproic acid, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhances the sensitivity of the peripheral blood micronucleus assay in rodents

T Ahmad, K Shekh, S Khan, A Vikram, L Yadav… - … /Genetic Toxicology and …, 2013 - Elsevier
Micronucleus (MN) assay is widely used for the determination of the genotoxic potential of
new chemical entities. Improvement in the sensitivity of MN assay will be advantageous for …

[PDF][PDF] Determinação de danos basais no DNA de araras canindé (Ara ararauna) através do Teste de Micronúcleos: uma ferramenta na avaliação da saúde animal e …

VR Pinhatti, M da Costa Allgayer, AS Breyer… - Acta Scientiae …, 2006 - redalyc.org
RESUMO O Brasil se destaca pela sua grande biodiversidade em especial no que se refere
à avifauna. Entre as espécies aviárias encontradas podemos citar a Ara ararauna …

Lack of micronucleus induction by 'Sobatum'in bone marrow erythrocytes of Swiss mice

PV Mohanan, K Rathinam, KS Devi - Mutation Research/Environmental …, 1996 - Elsevier
The plant Solanum trilobatum is mainly used for asthma, chronic febrile affections and
difficult parturition. The active principle (Sobatum) obtained from the petroleum ether extract …

[PDF][PDF] Why potassium bromate (V) is not allowed substance for use in food and cosmetics?

DBVP JEST - pzie.kwspz.pl
Potassium bromate (V)(KBrO3), used in the past in both the food and cosmetics industry,
and a drinking water disinfection by-product, is a nephrotoxic, clastogenic and carcinogenic …

Additive Mutagenic Effects of DNA Damages Induced by Multiple Mutagens at Virtually Non-mutagenic Dose Level of Each

T Ohta - Genes and Environment, 2007 - jstage.jst.go.jp
DNA damages provoked by the six mutagens (furylframide, MX, 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide,
sodium azide, 1-nitropyrene, and captan) used in the present study have been known to …

Bromian (V) potasu–frakcja wdychana: dokumentacja proponowanych dopuszczalnych wielkości narażenia zawodowego

A Starek - Podstawy i Metody Oceny Środowiska Pracy, 2018 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
Bromian (V) potasu jest krystalicznym ciałem stałym, rozpuszczalnym w wodzie, bez smaku i
zapachu. Jest on silnym utleniaczem ulegającym redukcji do bromku. 1 Wartość NDS …

[引用][C] 溴酸盐对水生生物的急性毒性效应

王执伟, 刘冬梅, 张文娟, 崔福义 - 环境科学, 2016

[引用][C] Toxicological properties of potassium bromate

A Starek, B Starek-Świechowicz - Journal of Pharmacological Reports, 2016 - ruj.uj.edu.pl
Toxicological Properties of Potassium Bromate Przejdź do treści Pomoc A A A Zmień
kontrast Zaloguj English polski   Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego …

化学物質によるin vitro 及びin vivo における突然変異の定量的解析に関する研究

羽倉昌志 - 環境変異原研究, 2004 - jstage.jst.go.jp
抄録 The mutagenicities of methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, and butyl methanesulfonates and the
corresponding alkylderivatives of N-nitrosoureas were examined using E. coli Hs30R strain …