Flash memory apparatus and methods using a plurality of decoding stages including optional use of concatenated BCH codes and/or designation of “first below” cells

H Weingarten, S Levy, M Katz - US Patent 8,335,977, 2012 - Google Patents
US8335977B2 - Flash memory apparatus and methods using a plurality of decoding stages
including optional use of concatenated BCH codes and/or designation of “first below” cells …

Systems and methods for averaging error rates in non-volatile devices and storage systems

H Weingarten - US Patent 8,730,729, 2014 - Google Patents
G11C 11/34(2006.01)(57) ABSTRACT G11C 16/04(2006.01)[1041, 1/20(200601) A system
for storing a plurality of logical pages in a set of at (52) us CL least one? ash device, each …

System and method for storing information in a multi-level cell memory

H Weingarten - US Patent 8,745,317, 2014 - Google Patents
A method comprising: obtaining a value of source data; encoding the value of source data
using an encoding process, to thereby obtain an encoded value; calculating a difference …

Controller for non-volatile memories and methods of operating the memory controller

CK Chang - US Patent 8,041,884, 2011 - Google Patents
A non-volatile memory system (3) is proposed consisting of a first non-volatile flash memory
(5) having a plurality of blocks, each block having a plurality of pages, each block being …

Method, system and computer readable medium for copy back

E Sabbag, H Weingarten - US Patent 9,063,878, 2015 - Google Patents
Abstract Systems, computer readable media and methods for updating a flash memory
device involve procedures for transferring, from a flash memory device to an external …

Apparatus and methods for generating row-specific reading thresholds in flash memory

M Katz - US Patent 8,453,022, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for generating a set of at least one row-speci? c reading
threshold for reading at least portions of pages of data Within an erase sector of a? ash …

System and method for setting a flash memory cell read threshold

H Weingarten - US Patent 8,607,124, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system, method and computer readable medium for per forming a first
read attempt of multiple codeword portions while using a first read threshold candidate to …

Systems and methods for storing, retrieving, and adjusting read thresholds in flash memory storage system

M Katz, H Weingarten - US Patent 8,467,249, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method, system and computer-readable medium are pro vided for
reading information from a memory unit. A request may be received to read information from …

System and method for multi-dimensional decoding

A Steiner, H Weingarten - US Patent 8,341,502, 2012 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,463,375 A 7, 1984 Macovski 4,584.686 A 4, 1986 Fritze
4,589,084 A 5/1986 Fling et al. 4.866, 716 A 9/1989 Weng 5,077,737 A 12/1991 Leger et al …

Flash memory apparatus with a heating system for temporarily retired memory portions

H Weingarten, S Levy, M Katz - US Patent 8,341,335, 2012 - Google Patents
Flash memory apparatus including a plurality of memory portions, and a controller operative
to reserve for data reten tion purposes, for at least a first duration of time, only certain …