[HTML][HTML] Genetic viability and habitat suitability of the critically endangered southern muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) in the Atlantic Forest's fragmented landscapes …

J Pompeu, R de Oliveira Portella - Climate Change Ecology, 2023 - Elsevier
The joint effects of climate change and landscape fragmentation to the genetic viability of
isolated populations has barely been addressed for the Atlantic Forest fauna. Therefore, this …

[PDF][PDF] Climate Change Ecology

J Pompeu, R de Oliveira Portella - landscape - repositorio.usp.br
The joint effects of climate change and landscape fragmentation to the genetic viability of
isolated populations has barely been addressed for the Atlantic Forest fauna. Therefore, this …

[PDF][PDF] Modelagem dinâmica espacial da expansão urbana na Zona Norte de Teresina-PI

R Marques-Carvalho, PM de Sousa Ferreira, GI Reis… - anpur.org.br
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o comportamento do processo de expansão urbana em
uma área de Teresina-PI, entre 2005 e 2020, a partir da modelagem dinâmica espacial. As …