[HTML][HTML] 森林生物量的估算方法及其研究进展

罗云建, 张小全, 王效科, 朱建华, 侯振宏, 张治军 - 林业科学, 2009 - html.rhhz.net
总结分析生物量模型(包括相对生长关系和生物量-蓄积量模型) 和生物量估算参数这2
类常用的生物量估算方法, 提出今后我国在森林生物量估算领域的研究重点: 1) …


赵敏, 周广胜 - 应用生态学报, 2004 - cjae.net
基于森林资源清查资料的森林生物量估算是在景观, 区域甚至全球尺度上评估森林碳收支的重要
手段, 且在陆地生态系统碳循环和全球变化研究中起着十分重要的作用. 对3 …

[图书][B] Biogeochemistry

WH Schlesinger - 2005 - books.google.com
For the past 3.8 billion years, the geochemistry of the Earth's surface-its atmosphere, waters
and exposed crust-has been determined by the presence of biota. Photosynthetic organisms …

Biomass estimation methods for tropical forests with applications to forest inventory data

S Brown, AJR Gillespie, AE Lugo - Forest science, 1989 - academic.oup.com
This paper contains a strategy for estimating total aboveground biomass of tropical forests.
We developed regression equations to estimate aboveground biomass of individual trees as …

Human appropriation of the products of photosynthesis

PM Vitousek, PR Ehrlich, AH Ehrlich, PA Matson - BioScience, 1986 - JSTOR
H omo sapiens is only one of perhaps 5-30 million animal species on Earth (eg, Erwin
1982), yet it controls a disproportion-ate share of the planet's resources. Evidence of human …

Observational Contrains on the Global Atmospheric Co2 Budget

PP Tans, IY Fung, T Takahashi - Science, 1990 - science.org
Observed atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and data on the partial pressures of CO2 in
surface ocean waters are combined to identify globally significant sources and sinks of CO2 …

Forest carbon sinks in the Northern Hemisphere

CL Goodale, MJ Apps, RA Birdsey… - Ecological …, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
There is general agreement that terrestrial systems in the Northern Hemisphere provide a
significant sink for atmospheric CO2; however, estimates of the magnitude and distribution of …

Producción de biomasa y fijación de CO2 por los bosques españoles

G Montero - 2011 - torrossa.com
De los cuatro elementos de la filosofía natural de la Antigüedad, el aire es el más
imperceptible y el más espiritual. Los pensadores griegos del siglo VI aC sostenían que la …

Biomass of tropical forests: a new estimate based on forest volumes

S Brown, AE Lugo - Science, 1984 - science.org
Recent assessments of areas of different tropical forest types and their corresponding stand
volumes were used to calculate the biomass densities and total biomass of tropical forests …

Biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for Scots pine, Norway spruce and birch according to stand age for boreal forests

A Lehtonen, R Mäkipää, J Heikkinen… - Forest Ecology and …, 2004 - Elsevier
Assessments of forest resource in national inventories provide a firm basis for quantifying
forest biomass and carbon stock. National statistics on forest resources provide estimates of …