Uncovering early indicators of fixation during the concept development stage of children's design processes

A Schut, R Klapwijk, M Gielen, F van Doorn… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Springer
In this paper, we explore the early indicators of design fixation occurring during the concept
development stage of children's design processes. This type of fixation, which we named …

[图书][B] Diep leren: praktische handreikingen voor het bevorderen van diep leren bij leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs

M Koopman - 2017 - research.tue.nl
Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat leerlingen goed worden voorbereid op hun toekomst? Deze
vraag houdt leraren, scholen en beleidsmakers bezig. Veel scholen willen een stap zetten …

The Diorama Project: development of a tangible medium to foster STEAM education using storytelling and electronics

S Cools, P Conradie, MC Ciocci, J Saldien - … , Portugal, 22-23, June 2017 2, 2018 - Springer
Children of the 21st century grow up in a world full of information and technology. Education
should equip them with useful skills and competencies, allowing them to actively and …

[PDF][PDF] Docent als coach van het leerproces

K Woudt-Mittendorff… - Onderwijsinnovatie …, 2019 - researchgate.net
De afgelopen jaren komen er in het hoger onderwijs steeds meer studentgeoriënteerde
onderwijsvormen, zoals projectonderwijs, waarbinnen studenten werken aan een opdracht …

[PDF][PDF] 21e-eeuwse vaardigheden: achtergronden en onderwijsimplicaties

M Vermeulen, E Vrieling - 2017 - poraad.nl
Dit onderzoek is een van de resultaten uit de versnellingsvraag van Stichting WereldKidz.
De versnellingsvragen maken deel uit van het programma 'Slimmer leren met ICT'. Binnen …

A first step towards synthesizing rubrics and video for the formative assessment of complex skills

K Ackermans, E Rusman, S Brand-Gruwel… - … Conference, TEA 2016 …, 2017 - Springer
For learners, it can be difficult to imagine how to perform a complex skill from textual
information found in a text-based analytic rubric. In this paper we identify three deficiencies …

Enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation: what this means for the new HRM professional and the new workplace

S Best, L Eftimov - Dynamic relationships management journal, 2019 - repository.ukim.mk
With the fourth industrial revolution underway, this paper suggests that one way of
responding to the changing way we work is for HRM professionals to develop a deeper and …

The dilemmas of formulating theory-informed design guidelines for a video enhanced rubric

K Ackermans, E Rusman, S Brand-Gruwel… - … Conference, TEA 2017 …, 2018 - Springer
Learners aiming to master a complex skill may benefit from the combination of abstract
information found in a text-based analytical rubric and concrete information provided by a …


A Saeed - Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, 2023 - ojs.jass.pk
This research shows how teacher training programs (TTPs) for secondary school teachers
can influence the motivation, professional development and self-efficacy of the educators …

The relationship between psychological capital and twenty first century skills in an educational setting

MIA Baas - 2020 - essay.utwente.nl
In an ideal world, students are being prepared to succeed and excel in the global workplace
of the future when they are adults. The modern society changes in a rapid ways and the …