Biometric recognition: how do I know who you are?

AK Jain - Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2005: 13th …, 2005 - Springer
Reliable person recognition is an integral component of identity management systems.
Biometrics offers a natural and reliable solution to the problem of identity determination by …

Asymmetric cryptography with user authentication

SG Narendra, P Tadepalli, TN Spitzer - US Patent 7,805,615, 2010 - Google Patents
US7805615B2 - Asymmetric cryptography with user authentication - Google Patents
US7805615B2 - Asymmetric cryptography with user authentication - Google Patents Asymmetric …

Hybrid symmetric/asymmetric cryptography with user authentication

SG Narendra, P Tadepalli, TN Spitzer - US Patent 8,189,788, 2012 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Cryptography may be used to limit access to data. For example, sensitive
data in computers or networks may be encrypted to block access by unauthorized users …

Symmetric cryptography with user authentication

SG Narendra, P Tadepalli, TN Spitzer - US Patent 8,477,940, 2013 - Google Patents
US8477940B2 - Symmetric cryptography with user authentication - Google Patents
US8477940B2 - Symmetric cryptography with user authentication - Google Patents Symmetric …

Dual watermarking technique with multiple biometric watermarks

VS Inamdar, PP Rege - Sadhana, 2014 - Springer
In order to improve the robustness of the watermarking algorithm, a dual watermarking
method is proposed to prove copyright ownership. Visible watermarking is important for …

A novel biometric inspired robust security framework for medical images

SP Singh, G Bhatnagar - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and …, 2019 -
The protection of sensitive and confidential data become a challenging task in the present
scenario as more and more digital data is stored and transmitted between the end users …

Hybrid domain watermarking technique for copyright protection of images using speech watermarks

RM Thanki, AM Kothari - Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized …, 2020 - Springer
When digital images are shared over an open access network such as the internet,
facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media, then the security of these images are required …

On orientation and anisotropy estimation for online fingerprint authentication

X Jiang - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2005 -
Local dominant orientation estimation is one of the most important operations in almost all
automatic fingerprint authentication systems. Robust orientation and anisotropy estimation …

[PDF][PDF] Secure biometric systems

U Uludag - 2006 -
Biometrics-based personal authentication systems that use physiological (eg, fingerprint,
face, iris) or behavioral (eg, speech, handwriting) traits are being increasingly utilized in …

Biometric inspired multimedia encryption based on dual parameter fractional fourier transform

G Bhatnagar, QMJ Wu - IEEE transactions on systems, man …, 2014 -
In this paper, a novel biometric inspired multimedia encryption technique is proposed. For
this purpose, a new advent in the definition of fractional Fourier transform, namely, dual …