Source code analysis: A road map

D Binkley - Future of Software Engineering (FOSE'07), 2007 -
The automated and semi-automated analysis of source code has remained a topic of
intense research for more than thirty years. During this period, algorithms and techniques for …

A systematic survey of program comprehension through dynamic analysis

B Cornelissen, A Zaidman… - IEEE Transactions …, 2009 -
Program comprehension is an important activity in software maintenance, as software must
be sufficiently understood before it can be properly modified. The study of a program's …

Algorithmic profiling

D Zaparanuks, M Hauswirth - Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN …, 2012 -
Traditional profilers identify where a program spends most of its resources. They do not
provide information about why the program spends those resources or about how resource …

The causes of bloat, the limits of health

N Mitchell, G Sevitsky - Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM SIGPLAN …, 2007 -
Applications often have large runtime memory requirements. In some cases, large memory
footprint helps accomplish an important functional, performance, or engineering …

Heapviz: interactive heap visualization for program understanding and debugging

EE Aftandilian, S Kelley, C Gramazio, N Ricci… - Proceedings of the 5th …, 2010 -
Understanding the data structures in a program is crucial to understanding how the program
works, or why it doesn't work. Inspecting the code that implements the data structures …

Contextual analysis of program logs for understanding system behaviors

Q Fu, JG Lou, Q Lin, R Ding, D Zhang… - 2013 10th Working …, 2013 -
Understanding the behaviors of a software system is very important for performing daily
system maintenance tasks. In practice, one way to gain knowledge about the runtime …

Person reidentification using quaternionic local binary pattern

R Lan, Y Zhou, YY Tang… - 2014 IEEE international …, 2014 -
Person reidentification is to identify the persons observed in nonoverlapping camera
networks. Most existing methods usually extract features from the red, green, and blue color …

Travioli: A dynamic analysis for detecting data-structure traversals

R Padhye, K Sen - … IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on …, 2017 -
Traversal is one of the most fundamental operations on data structures, in which an
algorithm systematically visits some or all of the data items of a data structure. We propose a …

Abstracting runtime heaps for program understanding

M Marron, C Sanchez, Z Su… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2012 -
Modern programming environments provide extensive support for inspecting, analyzing, and
testing programs based on the algorithmic structure of a program. Unfortunately, support for …

Shape-analysis driven memory graph visualization

JH Boockmann, G Lüttgen - Proceedings of the 30th IEEE/ACM …, 2022 -
Analyzing heap dumps containing complex dynamic data structures is essential when
debugging modern software systems. However, existing tools for visualizing memory graphs …