Solid-state optical device having enhanced indium content in active regions

JW Raring, DF Feezell, S Nakamura - US Patent 8,847,249, 2014 - Google Patents
US8847249B2 - Solid-state optical device having enhanced indium content in active regions -
Google Patents US8847249B2 - Solid-state optical device having enhanced indium content in …

Optical device structure using GaN substrates for laser applications

JW Raring, DF Feezell, NJ Pfister, R Sharma - US Patent 9,531,164, 2016 - Google Patents
An optical device includes a gallium nitride substrate member having an m-plane nonpolar
crystalline surface region characterized by an orientation of about− 2 degrees to about 2 …

Low voltage laser diodes on {20-21} gallium and nitrogen containing substrates

JW Raring, M Schmidt, C Poblenz - US Patent 9,543,738, 2017 - Google Patents
US9543738B2 - Low voltage laser diodes on {20-21} gallium and nitrogen containing
substrates - Google Patents US9543738B2 - Low voltage laser diodes on {20-21} gallium and …

Laser package having multiple emitters with color wheel

JW Raring, P Rudy, C Bai - US Patent 9,287,684, 2016 - Google Patents
Method and devices for emitting electromagnetic radiation at high power using nonpolar or
semipolar gallium containing substrates such as GaN, AlN, InN, InGaN, AlGaN, and …

Laser package having multiple emitters configured on a substrate member

JW Raring, P Rudy, C Bai - US Patent 9,595,813, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and device for emitting electromagnetic radiation at high power
using nonpolar or semipolar gallium contain ing substrates such as GaN. AlN, InN, InCaN …

Lidar systems including a gallium and nitrogen containing laser light source

JW Raring, M McLaurin, P Rudy, V Novotny - US Patent 10,222,474, 2019 - Google Patents

Optical device structure using GaN substrates and growth structures for laser applications

JW Raring - US Patent 8,837,545, 2014 - Google Patents
US8837545B2 - Optical device structure using GaN substrates and growth structures for
laser applications - Google Patents US8837545B2 - Optical device structure using GaN …

Method of fabricating optical devices using laser treatment

NJ Pfister, JW Raring, M Schmidt - US Patent 9,048,170, 2015 - Google Patents
A method for forming optical devices. The method includes providing a gallium nitride
substrate member having a crystalline surface region and a backside region. The method …

Intelligent visible light with a gallium and nitrogen containing laser source

M McLaurin, JW Raring, P Rudy, V Novotny - US Patent 10,771,155, 2020 - Google Patents
FOXXZZGDIAQPQI-XKNYDFJKSA-N (3S)-3-amino-4-[(2S)-2-[[(2S)-1-[[(1S)-1-carboxy-2-
hydroxyethyl] amino]-3-hydroxy-1-oxopropan-2-yl] carbamoyl] pyrrolidin-1-yl]-4-oxobutanoic …

Concentrating solar collector with solid optical element

DK Fork, PY Maeda - US Patent 7,906,722, 2011 - Google Patents
(65) Prior Publication Data(57) ABSTRACT US 2006/0231.133 A1 Oct. 19, 2006 A
Cassegrain-type concentrating Solar collector cell includes (51) Int. Cl primary and …