Social development: Theory and practice

JO Midgley - 2013 -
This book seeks to provide a broad overview of the field of social development and the way
it contributes to improving people's well-being throughout the world. Although social …

'That happened to me too': young people's informal knowledge of diverse genders and sexualities

P Byron, J Hunt - Gender and Sexuality in Education and Health, 2019 -
This paper explores how young people of diverse genders and sexualities share information
about sex, sexualities and genders. Formal approaches to education often fail to consider …

Financial capability as social investment

MA Caplan, MS Sherraden, J Bae - J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare, 2018 - HeinOnline
People are increasingly part of a complex landscape of financial transactions, services, and
institutions across nearly all realms of everyday life. They face an often confusing array of …

Surviving, coping or thriving? Understanding coping and its impact on social well-being in Mozambique

AJ Hutchinson - British Journal of Social Work, 2014 -
This paper presents the empirical interrogation and development of the concept of coping
strategies through the findings of a piece of qualitative research which used this concept to …

[PDF][PDF] Settlement and integration needs of skilled immigrants in Calgary: A mixed methods study

V Kaushik - 2020 -
There is a significant body of scholarship on the settlement and integration of immigrants in
Canada. However, most knowledge in this domain comes from government and …

Emerging issues regarding social enterprise in South Korea

TJ Park - European Journal of Social Work, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Social enterprise has been introduced as a new framework to help resolve socioeconomic
problems in South Korea. The reason why the Korean government was in a hurry to enact …

Assessing the effect of sense of community on military veteran community reintegration difficulties

VJ Thomas - 2014 -
Sense of Community (SOC) has been the theoretical underpinnings of practice models with
veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (Amdur et al. 2011; Bowen, Martin …

Dignity restoration: The indirect goal of social enterprises' activity

A Milczarczyk - Dignity and the organization, 2016 - Springer
Abstract “Things have a price and can be for sale, but people have a dignity that is priceless
and worth far more than things”. These words by Pope Francis (Pinterest nd) accurately …

Developmental approach to mental health

A Lombard, N Bila - Mental Health and Social Work, 2020 - Springer
The developmental approach to mental health aligns social workers' commitment to the
services they provide with the need to promote a fairer and more inclusive society. The 2030 …


Over the past several decades, earned income from commercial sources such as service
fees, investment earnings, and product sales, has surged in human service nonprofit …