Climate Warming Impacts on Distributions of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Seed Zones and Seed Mass across Russia in the 21st Century

EI Parfenova, NA Kuzmina, SR Kuzmin… - Forests, 2021 -
Research highlights: We investigated bioclimatic relationships between Scots pine seed
mass and seed zones/climatypes across its range in Russia using extensive published data …

The growth rate and genetic variability of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) half-sibs in test crops of Northern Kazakhstan

Y Krekova, N Chebotko, D Kagan… - Notulae Botanicae …, 2023 -
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a valuable tree species, playing an important role in
maintaining the ecological and economic balance not only in Kazakhstan, but also in many …


АИ НОВИКОВ, СВ РЕБКО, ТП НОВИКОВА… - … университет им. ГФ …, 2023 -
Прорастание семян сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) является важным этапом
жизненного цикла дерева и определяет последующую продуктивность и …