The reality of MALL: Still on the fringes

J Burston - Calico Journal, 2014 - JSTOR
Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has existed now for nearly two decades with its
application to foreign language instruction chronicled in over 345 implementation studies …

Augmented reality as multimedia: the case for situated vocabulary learning

MEC Santos, AW Lübke, T Taketomi… - Research and Practice …, 2016 - Springer
Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to create compelling learning experiences.
However, there are few research works exploring the design and evaluation of AR for …

Guidelines for designing and using collaborative-competitive serious games

D Buchinger, M da Silva Hounsell - Computers & Education, 2018 - Elsevier
There are already evidences of Serious Games (SG) effectiveness in teaching-learning
processes for some areas of knowledge. Some studies analyzed the influence of different …

Motivation and emotions in competition systems for education: An empirical study

PJ Muñoz-Merino, MF Molina… - IEEE Transactions …, 2014 -
<? Pub Dtl=""?> A lack of student motivation is a problem in many courses in electrical
engineering. Introducing competition between students can enhance their motivation, but it …

An adaptive and innovative question-driven competition-based intelligent tutoring system for learning

PJ Muñoz-Merino, MF Molina… - Expert Systems with …, 2012 - Elsevier
ISCARE (Information System for Competition based on pRoblem solving in Education) is a
new and innovative intelligent tutoring system that we have designed and implemented. This …

The Framework of an AR-Quest Instructional Design Model Based on Situated Learning to Enhance Thai Undergraduate Students' Khmer Vocabulary Ability.

N Eang, J Na-Songkhla - LEARN Journal: Language Education and …, 2020 - ERIC
The application of Augmented Reality technology in education has been increasing from
year to year. The researchers conducted this study to propose a framework for an ARQuest …

New insights into distance language learning

S Faramarzi, A Elekaei, M Koosha - Journal of Applied Linguistics and …, 2015 -
Distance language learning provides an excellent opportunity for language learners to
receive instruction in an adaptable environment. This type of pedagogy offers a flexible time …

FingerDetectives: Affordable augmented interactive miniatures for embodied vocabulary acquisition in second language learning

G Palaigeorgiou, F Politou, F Tsirika… - … on Games Based …, 2017 -
New computer-assisted language learning approaches provoke that learning a second
language should be treated as a communication tool with a specific goal, incorporated in …

Bilgisayar Destekli Öğrenimde Eğitsel Ajan Kullanımı

H Sel - 2009 -
Bu araştırmada; ajan destekli yarışmacı ve işbirlikli yazılımlar öğrenci başarısı açısından
karşılaştırılmış, yarışmacı yazılımlarda seyirci desteği ve rakip performansının öğrenci …

The Effect of Different Features for Educational Computer-based Competition Environments

PJ Munoz-Merino, C Alario-Hoyos… - IEEE Transactions …, 2017 -
Educational computer-based competition environments need to be designed with a set of
features that enhance the learning process. Although recently some frameworks for the …