The Conception and Role of Interdisciplinarity in the Spanish Education System.

I Segovia, JL Lupiáñez, M Molina, F González… - Issues in integrative …, 2010 - ERIC
This article provides an overview of the role that interdisciplinarity plays in the Spanish
education system. With this aim, we first describe the main conception of the term" …

The ConCepTion and role of inTerdisCiplinariTy in The spanish eduCaTion sysTem

This article provides an overview of the role that interdisciplinarity plays in the Spanish
education system. With this aim, we first describe the main conception of the term …

L'ensenyament de les ciències socials en llengua anglesa: estat de la qüestió (2009)

P Alonso Murga - 2009 -
El treball tracta de l'estat de la qüestió CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) a
les diferents Comunitats Autònomes espanyoles, els instruments del Departament …