Оценка естественного уровня безработицы в России в 1994-2003 гг.: эмпирический анализ
В Брагин, В Осаковский - Вопросы экономики, 2004 - elibrary.ru
В статье предпринята попытка определения естественного уровня безработицы в
России путем последовательной оценки оптимальной численности экономически …
России путем последовательной оценки оптимальной численности экономически …
[PDF][PDF] The Japanese economic model (JEM)
I Fujiwara, N Hara, Y Hirose… - Monetary and Economic …, 2005 - researchgate.net
In this paper, we set out the Japanese Economic Model (JEM), a largescale macroeconomic
model of the Japanese economy. Although the JEM is a theoretical model designed with a …
model of the Japanese economy. Although the JEM is a theoretical model designed with a …
The information content of capacity utilization rates for output gap estimates
From a theoretical perspective, the output gap is probably the most comprehensive and
convincing concept to describe the cyclical position of an economy. Unfortunately, for …
convincing concept to describe the cyclical position of an economy. Unfortunately, for …
Real-time estimation of the output gap in Japan and its usefulness for inflation forecasting and policymaking
K Kamada - The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2005 - Elsevier
This paper examines the methods used by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) for estimation of the
output gap. Great emphasis is put on the real-time estimation problems. After reviewing the …
output gap. Great emphasis is put on the real-time estimation problems. After reviewing the …
[图书][B] Distortions in factor markets and structural adjustments in the economy
M Nakakuki, A Otani, S Shiratsuka - 2004 - 21coe.ier.hit-u.ac.jp
In this paper, we carry out qualitative and quantitative analyses of impacts of factor market
distortions on Japan's economic stagnation in the 1990s, thereby showing that resolution of …
distortions on Japan's economic stagnation in the 1990s, thereby showing that resolution of …
Output gaps in real time: How reliable are they?
D Gruen, T Robinson, A Stone - Economic Record, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The output gap is of central interest to policymakers. Being unobservable, however, its
estimation is prone to error, particularly in real time. Errors result from revisions to the data …
estimation is prone to error, particularly in real time. Errors result from revisions to the data …
Can a standardised aptitude test predict the training success of apprentices? Evidence from a case study in Switzerland
M Siegenthaler - Empirical Research in vocational education and …, 2011 - Springer
Due to widely spread distrust in the signalling value of school grades, Swiss employers
require external standardised aptitude test results in the process of recruiting new …
require external standardised aptitude test results in the process of recruiting new …
[PDF][PDF] Which nonlinearity in the Phillips curve
E De Veirman - The Absence of Accelerating Deflation in Japan …, 2007 - econ2.jhu.edu
It is standard to model the output-inflation trade-off as a linear relationship with a time-
invariant slope. We assess empirical evidence for three types of nonlinearity in the short-run …
invariant slope. We assess empirical evidence for three types of nonlinearity in the short-run …
Import penetration and consumer prices
K Kamada, N Hirakata - Bank of Japan Research and Statistics …, 2002 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper shows that changes in international competitiveness played a significant role in
creating the deflationary pressure in Japan from 1980 to 2001. Applying Blanchard and …
creating the deflationary pressure in Japan from 1980 to 2001. Applying Blanchard and …
On alternatives to aggressive demand policies to revitalize the Japanese economy
KG Nishimura, M Saito - Asian Economic Papers, 2003 - direct.mit.edu
This paper claims that a scarcity of profitable private investment opportunities starting in the
early 1990s or even earlier is a fundamental cause of Japan's prolonged economic …
early 1990s or even earlier is a fundamental cause of Japan's prolonged economic …