Scalable phased array architectures with a reduced number of tunable phase shifters

F Akbar, A Mortazawi - IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory …, 2017 -
A new architecture for scalable phased array design is presented. A vector summation
technique is used in a new feed network in order to reduce the number of tunable phase …

[PDF][PDF] Проведение численных экспериментов для оценки характеристик обнаружения на математической модели радиолокационной станции

АА Щукин, АЕ Павлов - Моделирование, оптимизация и …, 2022 -
Задача обнаружения и наблюдения объектов была и остается актуальной по
сегодняшний день. Одна из важнейших задач развития радиолокации–улучшение …

Increasing accuracy of angular measurements using UWB signals

BA Lagovsky, AB Samokhin… - 2017 11th European …, 2017 -
We show that dispersion characteristics of antenna patterns should be taken into account
when developing systems using UWB signals. The accuracy of measurement of angular …

Increasing the Angular Resolution and Range of Measuring Systems Using Ultra-Wideband Signals

BA Lagovsky, EY Rubinovich - Automation and Remote Control, 2023 - Springer
The problem of obtaining three-dimensional radio images of objects with increased
resolution based on the use of ultra-wide-band pulse signals and new methods of their …

Pulse characteristics of antenna array radiating UWB signals

BA Lagovsky, AB Samokhin… - 2016 10th European …, 2016 -
Dispersion properties of the mutual impedance of emitters significantly alter the shape and
spectrum of ultra-wideband (UWB) signals which must be taken into account when forming …

Design of a scalable phased array antenna with a simplified architecture

F Akbar, A Mortazawi - 2015 European Microwave Conference …, 2015 -
A simplified architecture for a scalable phased array is proposed. In this design, a new
technique for steering the array's beam has been devised. The proposed technique …

Timed arrays of spiral antennas for circularly polarised UWB scanned patterns with low side lobes

A Reyna, MA Panduro, AL Méndez… - IET Microwaves …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This research presents a novel design of a timed antenna array of two‐arm log spiral
antennas. The design consists in optimising the non‐uniform antenna positions in order to …

Design of a compact, low complexity scalable phased array antenna

F Akbar, A Mortazawi - 2015 IEEE MTT-S International …, 2015 -
A new approach for designing scalable phased array architectures with the main goal of
reducing their complexity is proposed. This goal has been accomplished by devising a new …

Повышение углового разрешения и дальности действия измерительных систем, использующих сверхширокополосные сигналы

БА Лаговский, ЕЯ Рубинович - Автоматика и телемеханика, 2023 -
Рассмотрена задача получения трехмерных радиоизображений объектов с
повышенным разрешением на основе применения сверхширокополосных импульсных …

Increasing the range of UWB radars

BA Lagovsky, AB Samokhin… - … on Antennas and …, 2018 -
The use of UWB radars makes it possible to detect, recognize, and carry out measurements
of coordinates and velocities of hardly noticeable radar targets. The variational problems of …