Intrinsic map dynamics exploration for uncharted effective free-energy landscapes

E Chiavazzo, R Covino, RR Coifman… - Proceedings of the …, 2017 - National Acad Sciences
We describe and implement a computer-assisted approach for accelerating the exploration
of uncharted effective free-energy surfaces (FESs). More generally, the aim is the extraction …

Topological inference of manifolds with boundary

Y Wang, B Wang - Computational Geometry, 2020 - Elsevier
Given a set of data points sampled from some underlying space, there are two important
challenges in geometric and topological data analysis when dealing with sampled data …

Robust denoising of piece-wise smooth manifolds

S Deutsch, A Ortega, G Medioni - 2018 IEEE International …, 2018 -
A common smoothness model used in graph based regularization approaches is to require
the energy of signals to be small with respect to the graph Laplacian of the graph. In this …

Learning the geometric structure of manifolds with singularities using the tensor voting graph

S Deutsch, G Medioni - Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2017 - Springer
We present a general framework that addresses manifolds with singularities and multiple
intersecting manifolds, which is also robust against a large number of outliers. We suggest a …

gTPS: A machine learning and quantum computer-based algorithm for Transition Path Sampling

D Ghamari - 2024 -
Simulating rare structural rearrangements of macromolecules with classical computational
methods, such as Molecular Dynamics (MD), is an outstanding challenge. A multitude of …