Metrics for analyzing variability and its implementation in software product lines: A systematic literature review

S El-Sharkawy, N Yamagishi-Eichler… - Information and Software …, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Context: Software Product Line (SPL) development requires at least concepts for
variability implementation and variability modeling for deriving products from a product line …

Seal: integrating program analysis and repository mining

F Sattler, S Böhm, PD Schubert, N Siegmund… - ACM Transactions on …, 2023 -
Software projects are complex technical and organizational systems involving large
numbers of artifacts and developers. To understand and tame software complexity, a wide …

The life cycle of features in highly-configurable software systems evolving in space and time

GK Michelon, WKG Assunção, D Obermann… - Proceedings of the 20th …, 2021 -
Feature annotation based on preprocessor directives is the most common mechanism in
Highly-Configurable Software Systems (HCSSs) to manage variability. However, it is …

Understanding the re-engineering of variant-rich systems: an empirical work on economics, knowledge, traceability, and practices

J Krüger - 2021 -
Context: Most modern software systems exist in different variants to address a variety of
requirements, such as customer requests, regulations, or hardware restrictions. To benefit …

Bringing together configuration research: Towards a common ground

P Gazzillo, MB Cohen - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGPLAN …, 2022 -
Configurable software makes up most of the software in use today. Configurability, ie, the
ability of software to be customized without additional programming, is pervasive, and due to …

Understanding vulnerabilities in plugin-based web systems: an exploratory study of wordpress

O Mesa, R Vieira, M Viana, VHS Durelli… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 -
A common software product line strategy involves plugin-based web systems that support
simple and quick incorporation of custom behaviors. As a result, they have been widely …

An empirical study of real-world variability bugs detected by variability-oblivious tools

A Mordahl, J Oh, U Koc, S Wei, P Gazzillo - … of the 2019 27th ACM Joint …, 2019 -
Many critical software systems developed in C utilize compile-time configurability. The many
possible configurations of this software make bug detection through static analysis difficult …

Finding broken Linux configuration specifications by statically analyzing the Kconfig language

J Oh, NF Yıldıran, J Braha, P Gazzillo - … of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on …, 2021 -
Highly-configurable software underpins much of our computing infrastructure. It enables
extensive reuse, but opens the door to broken configuration specifications. The configuration …

Simulating the evolution of clone-and-own projects with VEVOS

A Schultheiß, PM Bittner, S El-Sharkawy… - Proceedings of the 26th …, 2022 -
In clone-and-own development, new variants of a software system are typically created by
manually copying and adapting an existing variant. This approach is flexible but suffers from …

# ifdef directives and program comprehension: The dilemma between correctness and preference

W Fenske, J Krüger, M Kanyshkova… - … and Evolution (ICSME …, 2020 -
Many organizations and open-source projects use the C preprocessor (CPP) to implement
configurability in their software systems. Despite extensive research, existing studies on the …