The effects of pension information on individuals' economic outcomes: a survey

S Basiglio, N Oggero - Economies, 2020 -
This paper provides an overview of a wide array of research investigating the effects of
pension information on different individuals' economic outcomes. While many studies show …

Forecasting trends in disability in a super-aging society: adapting the future elderly model to Japan

BK Chen, H Jalal, H Hashimoto, S Suen… - The Journal of the …, 2016 - Elsevier
Japan has experienced pronounced population aging, and now has the highest proportion
of elderly adults in the world. Yet few projections of Japan's future demography go beyond …

[HTML][HTML] Automation and aging: The impact on older workers in the workforce

R Aisa, J Cabeza, J Martin - The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2023 - Elsevier
Developed countries are seeing advances in automation and, at the same time, their
populations are aging. In this paper we examine both phenomena using the delay in …

Health and economic development—evidence from the introduction of public health care

A Strittmatter, U Sunde - Journal of Population Economics, 2013 - Springer
This paper investigates the causal effect of improvements in health on economic
development using a long panel of European countries. Identification is based on the …

Working life and retirement expectancies at age 50 by social class: Period and cohort trends and projections for Finland

T Leinonen, P Martikainen… - The Journals of …, 2018 -
Objectives The balance between the amount of time spent in work and in retirement
underlies the long-term sustainability of the social security system. We examined …

Aging, retirement, and pay-as-you-go pensions

GP Cipriani - Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2018 -
In this paper, we consider the effects of population aging on a pay-as-you-go financed
defined contributions pension scheme. We show that when retirement decisions are …

Продолжительность трудовой жизни в России

МБ Денисенко, ЕЯ Варшавская - … журнал Высшей школы …, 2017 -
В статье исследуется уровень и динамика продолжительности трудовой жизни в
России. Для ее оценки использовался метод Салливана. Выполненные расчеты …

Endogenous demographic change, retirement, and social security

GP Cipriani, T Fioroni - Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2021 -
In this paper, we analyze the effects of demographic change on a pay-as-you-go (PAYG)
pension system, financed with a defined contribution scheme. In particular, we examine the …

The optimal delayed retirement age in aging China: Determination and impact analysis

L Zhang, J Gu, Y An - China Economic Review, 2023 - Elsevier
Facing a deepening aging population, nations like China are calling for a gradually delayed
retirement policy urgently. Based on the dynamic model of Miyazaki (2014), this paper first …

Automation, growth, and factor shares in the era of population aging

A Irmen - Journal of Economic Growth, 2021 - Springer
How does population aging affect economic growth and factor shares in times of
increasingly automatable production processes? The present paper addresses this question …