An emergentist perspective on the origin of number sense

M Zorzi, A Testolin - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2018 -
The finding that human infants and many other animal species are sensitive to numerical
quantity has been widely interpreted as evidence for evolved, biologically determined …

Rigid-motion scattering for texture classification

L Sifre, S Mallat - arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.1687, 2014 -
A rigid-motion scattering computes adaptive invariants along translations and rotations, with
a deep convolutional network. Convolutions are calculated on the rigid-motion group, with …

Rotation, scaling and deformation invariant scattering for texture discrimination

L Sifre, S Mallat - Proceedings of the IEEE conference on …, 2013 -
An affine invariant representation is constructed with a cascade of invariants, which
preserves information for classification. A joint translation and rotation invariant …

[HTML][HTML] Comparative aspects of hearing in vertebrates and insects with antennal ears

JT Albert, AS Kozlov - Current Biology, 2016 -
The evolution of hearing in terrestrial animals has resulted in remarkable adaptations
enabling exquisitely sensitive sound detection by the ear and sophisticated sound analysis …

A mathematical motivation for complex-valued convolutional networks

M Tygert, J Bruna, S Chintala, Y LeCun… - Neural …, 2016 -
A complex-valued convolutional network (convnet) implements the repeated application of
the following composition of three operations, recursively applying the composition to an …

The atoms of neural computation

G Marcus, A Marblestone, T Dean - Science, 2014 -
The human cerebral cortex is central to a wide array of cognitive functions, from vision to
language, reasoning, decision-making, and motor control. Yet, nearly a century after the …

Generalization error of invariant classifiers

J Sokolic, R Giryes, G Sapiro… - Artificial Intelligence …, 2017 -
This paper studies the generalization error of invariant classifiers. In particular, we consider
the common scenario where the classification task is invariant to certain transformations of …

The minority report: some common assumptions to reconsider in the modelling of the brain and behaviour

S Edelman - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Reverse-engineering the brain involves adopting and testing a hierarchy of working
hypotheses regarding the computational problems that it solves, the representations and …

Learning invariant representations and applications to face verification

Q Liao, JZ Leibo, T Poggio - Advances in neural information …, 2013 -
One approach to computer object recognition and modeling the brain's ventral stream
involves unsupervised learning of representations that are invariant to common …

Optimal Visual Representation Engineering and Learning for Computer Vision

J Dong - 2017 -
Estimating the optimal representation from sensor data has been one of the most
challenging problems in computer vision research. Given a particular task, an optimal …