A Novel Enhanced Torsional Eddy Current Damper for Fixed‐Axis Rotation Control of Rigid Bodies
The control of angular velocities in the fixed‐axis rotation of rigid bodies is crucial for
ensuring the safety and functionality of civil structures and mechanical systems. In this …
ensuring the safety and functionality of civil structures and mechanical systems. In this …
On geometric interpretations of split quaternions
Quaternions are an important tool that provides a convenient and effective mathematical
method for representing reflections and rotations in three‐dimensional space. A unit timelike …
method for representing reflections and rotations in three‐dimensional space. A unit timelike …
Curves of stationary acceleration according to alternative frame
This paper investigates curves of stationary acceleration by using alternative frame which
includes the principal normal vector, the derivative of principal normal vector and the …
includes the principal normal vector, the derivative of principal normal vector and the …
On Darboux Frames of Indicatrices of Spacelike Salkowski Curve with Spacelike Binormal in E13
B Aksan, SG Mazlum - Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science - dergipark.org.tr
The aim of this study is to examine Darboux frames and some other geometric properties
(geodesic curvatures, geodesic torsions, normal curvatures, Darboux derivative formulas …
(geodesic curvatures, geodesic torsions, normal curvatures, Darboux derivative formulas …
YLS TEZ, MORTAY NCELENMES - dspace.ankara.edu.tr
Dan ³man: Prof. Dr. Sait HALICIO LU Bu çal ³ma üç bölümden olu³maktad r. Birinci bölümde
çal ³man n amac anlat lmaktad r. kinci bölümde çal ³ma için gerekli olan ön bilgiler …
çal ³man n amac anlat lmaktad r. kinci bölümde çal ³ma için gerekli olan ön bilgiler …
[引用][C] State of the Art of Axodes Traced by Parallel Mechanism
张雷雷, 赵延治, 赵铁石 - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2023