History of antibiotics research

KI Mohr - How to Overcome the Antibiotic Crisis: Facts …, 2016 - Springer
For thousands of years people were delivered helplessly to various kinds of infections,
which often reached epidemic proportions and have cost the lives of millions of people. This …

Ecosystem changes in Galápagos highlands by the invasive tree Cinchona pubescens

H Jäger, MJ Alencastro, M Kaupenjohann, I Kowarik - Plant and Soil, 2013 - Springer
Background and aims Various studies address changes in nitrogen and carbon cycling by
exotic plant species, while impacts on phosphorus cycling are understudied. Therefore, we …

Efecto del sustrato en la propagación sexual de Cinchona officinalis L.(Rubiaceae)

FHF Zarate, AEH Castillo, LMB Vega… - …, 2022 - revistaecosistemas.net
Cinchona officinalis, conocida como árbol de la quina, es una especie emblemática de
Perú, con alto valor medicinal, se popularizó por su uso antimalárico y se encuentra en …

Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 11. Cinchona pubescens (Red Quinine Tree)(Rubiaceae) 1

H Jäger - Pacific Science, 2015 - BioOne
Cinchona pubescens Vahl (red quinine) is an evergreen tree ranging in height from 10 to 25
m with broad leaves and white or pink fragrant flowers arranged in clusters. Growing at …

Multiplicación sexual y asexual de Cinchona officinalis L., con fines de conservación de la especie.

MEC Montaño, JAM Serrano, VHE Guamán… - …, 2017 - revistas.uss.edu.pe
Con la finalidad de mejorar la propagación in vivo de la especie forestal Cinchona officinalis
L., se practicaron varias técnicas de propagación sexual y asexual. Para la propagación …

Effect of culture medium on morphogenic processes in vitro in Cinchona officinalis L.

JAM Serrano, CP Ruíz, IM Fierro… - Revista de la Facultad …, 2019 - revistas.uncu.edu.ar
This paper describes the effect of the various plant growth regulators of the culture medium
on morphogenic processes in vitro in Cinchona officinalis L, a highly vulnerable species …

Cinchona pubescens (Cascarilla), Native Species from the Andes Mountains of South America

J Peñarreta, P Manzano… - Medicinal Plants of …, 2022 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Cinchona (also known as Cascarilla or Quina) is the most commercially important genus of
the family Rubiaceae (coffee family) after the genus Coffea, which produces the commercial …

[PDF][PDF] CDF checklist of Galapagos introduced plants

A Guézou, S Chamorro, P Pozo… - Charles Darwin …, 2014 - datazone.darwinfoundation.org
Unlike native plants, which travelled to Galapagos by their own, extremely effective dispersal
mechanisms, introduced plants would never have been able to arrive here by natural means …

[HTML][HTML] Does substrate influence germination of Cinchona pubescens Vahl.(Rubiaceae)?

FH Fernandez-Zarate, AE Huaccha-Castillo… - … Facultad Nacional de …, 2022 - scielo.org.co
Cinchona pubescens is an emblematic species of Peru, as it was used as the only effective
treatment against malaria for three centuries. This species is threatened by various …

[引用][C] Cinchona L." Árbol de la Quina": repoblamiento y reforestación en el Perú

J Albán-Castillo, E Chilquillo… - Revista …, 2020 - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San …