Basic problems in stability and design of switched systems

D Liberzon, AS Morse - IEEE control systems magazine, 1999 -
By a switched system, we mean a hybrid dynamical system consisting of a family of
continuous-time subsystems and a rule that orchestrates the switching between them. The …

Perspectives and results on the stability and stabilizability of hybrid systems

RA DeCarlo, MS Branicky, S Pettersson… - Proceedings of the …, 2000 -
This paper introduces the concept of a hybrid system and some of the challenges associated
with the stability of such systems, including the issues of guaranteeing stability of switched …

[图书][B] Switching in systems and control

D Liberzon - 2003 - Springer
l\lany systems encountered in practice involve a coupling between contin uous dynamics
and discrete events. Systems in which these two kinds of dynamics coexist and interact are …

Stability and stabilizability of switched linear systems: a survey of recent results

H Lin, PJ Antsaklis - IEEE Transactions on Automatic control, 2009 -
During the past several years, there have been increasing research activities in the field of
stability analysis and switching stabilization for switched systems. This paper aims to briefly …

Ss antman je marsden l. sirovich

JKHPHJ Keener, JKBJMA Mielke, CSPKR Sreenivasan - 2005 - Springer
The main purpose of this chapter is to give a derivation, which is mathematically precise,
physically natural, and conceptually simple, of the quasilinear system of partial differential …

[图书][B] Switched linear systems: control and design

Z Sun - 2006 -
Switched linear systems have a long history in the control literature but-along with hybrid
systems more generally-they have enjoyed a particular growth in interest since the 1990s …

Stability criteria for switched and hybrid systems

R Shorten, F Wirth, O Mason, K Wulff, C King - SIAM review, 2007 - SIAM
The study of the stability properties of switched and hybrid systems gives rise to a number of
interesting and challenging mathematical problems. The objective of this paper is to outline …

Barrier Lyapunov functions for the output tracking control of constrained nonlinear switched systems

B Niu, J Zhao - Systems & Control Letters, 2013 - Elsevier
In this paper, we investigate the output tracking control problem of constrained nonlinear
switched systems in lower triangular form. First, when all the states are subjected to …

[图书][B] The joint spectral radius: theory and applications

R Jungers - 2009 -
This monograph is based on the Ph. D. Thesis of the author [58]. Its goal is twofold: First, it
presents most researchwork that has been done during his Ph. D., or at least the part of the …

Switching between stabilizing controllers

JP Hespanha, AS Morse - Automatica, 2002 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the problem of switching between several linear time-invariant (LTI)
controllers—all of them capable of stabilizing a specific LTI process—in such a way that the …