Monetary policy and inequality

A McKay, CK Wolf - Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2023 -
We ask three questions about the connection between monetary policy and inequality. First,
does monetary policy affect inequality? While different households respond to changes in …

Monetary policy and heterogeneity: An analytical framework

FO Bilbiie - Review of Economic Studies, 2024 -
THANK is a tractable heterogeneous-agent New-Keynesian model that captures analytically
core micro-heterogeneity channels of quantitative-HANK: cyclical inequality and risk; self …

[PDF][PDF] Optimal policy rules in hank

A McKay, C Wolf - 2022 -
We characterize optimal policy rules in business-cycle models with nominal rigidities and
heterogeneous households. The derived rules are expressed in terms of the causal effects …

Is climate change a monetary phenomenon? Evidence from time series analysis

OA Shobande - … Journal of Sustainable Development & World …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study examined the role of monetary policy in addressing climate change in the East
African Community using a time series approach. The empirical evidence shows that …

Redistributive inflation and optimal monetary policy

Y Yang - SSRN Working Paper, 2023 -
Inflation has heterogeneous impacts on households, which then affects optimal monetary
policy design. I study optimal monetary policy rules in a quantitative heterogeneous agent …

Doves for the rich, hawks for the poor? distributional consequences of systematic monetary policy

N Gornemann, K Kuester, M Nakajima - 2021 -
We build a New Keynesian business-cycle model with rich household heterogeneity. In the
model, systematic monetary stabilization policy affects the distribution of income, income …

[PDF][PDF] Should monetary policy care about redistribution? Optimal fiscal and monetary policy with heterogeneous agents

F Le Grand, A Martin-Baillon… - Science Po Working …, 2021 -
We derive optimal monetary and fiscal policies in a heterogeneous-agent economy with
nominal frictions and aggregate shocks, and allowing for a rich set of fiscal tools. We first …

Optimal redistributive inflation

G Nuño, C Thomas - Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2022 - JSTOR
We analyze Ramsey-optimal monetary policy under commitment in an economy with
uninsurable idiosyncratic risk, long-term nominal bonds and costly inflation. Our model …

Monetary policy with heterogeneous agents

N Gornemann, K Kuester, M Nakajima - 2012 -
Abstract We build a New Keynesian model in which heterogeneous workers differ with
regard to their employment status due to search and matching frictions in the labor market …

A behavioral heterogeneous agent New Keynesian model

O Pfäuti, F Seyrich - 2022 -
Abstract We develop a New Keynesian model with household heterogeneity and bounded
rationality in the form of cognitive discounting. The interaction of household heterogeneity …